[quote=@Skyswimsky] So her runes are [i]wire-based traps,[/i] right? So when somebody triggers such a trap the wire-component itself is actually not a part of the Yggdrasil Seed, right? But the wire she used with the gloves of her Yggdrasil Seed is part of her Yggdrasil Seed?! I have to be clear about this separation! I mean she could always just separate parts of her thread and provide it close-by to the trap, still gotta ask thou. [/quote] Yes, yes, yes. Think I'll just have her be able to separate the wires, though it's more like magic anime-y stuff. But on a technical level, I suppose it's separating the wires. [quote=@Skyswimsky] Also are the revolvers separate entities/equipment or also part of her Yggdrasil Seed. [/quote] Separate equipment. [quote=@Skyswimsky] There is, however, one thing. I'm not too fond of wire literally 'piercing' somebody. It's sounds rather ambitious and giving something versatile as anime-wire the power to pierce solid objects(human body is though, more-so a Yggdrasil Seed enhanced one) makes them even more versatile. I mean I am aware that wire can pierce things though I could be kinda biased because of a certain battle manga [s]named Arachnid[/s] where a certain girl does EVERYTHING with wire After consulting my trusty unofficial Co. GM however I decided you can keep your piercing, but it is basically implied that the wire needs to be (magically) reinforced for that, basically hardening it. Which also means she has to be close-range to pierce/stab somebody with wire. [/quote] To be fair, wires piercing through things isn't an uncommon thing in media, anime in particular. But yes, the wire would only be able to pierce squishy human bodies and not, say for example, steel walls. And the wires are already magical anyway, so the piercing makes sense in that regard. [quote=@Skyswimsky] Now, for your traps it doesn't actually change anything because the "source of attack" is the trap itself which would be pretty much close-range/point-blank towards the victim anyways! So ultimately it ends up being fine the way it is but I just wanna say I keep a close eye on it because anime-wire-power can be pretty huge @@. [/quote] I'm not exactly sure what this means but you accepted it so I won't question it :p