"As you command my Lady." The commander beckoned over a subordinate and passed on the information regarding Lianna. The new man nodded and headed into Null's ship. Once he was out of site the commander continued. "The Captain's deck is yours as you please Lady. The council awaits in the war room to discuss the situation with you. If you'll excuse me I shall proceed with issuing your orders to our pilots and speak with the Concordian leaders to have your accommodation prepared for our arrival." Without another word the man moved off with purpose and was soon out of site. Before long there came a booming announcement over the intercom system. "ALL PERSONNEL PREPARE FOR HYPERSPACE. BY THE GRACE OF LADY NULL OUR COURSE IS VESIAS." Immediately the hustle and bustle seemed to intensify by magnitudes as all manner of people and soldiers moved about as the rumbling of the ships engines slowly began to whir into life. --- Lianna had been sat meditating when she heard someone enter the vessel and approach her. She opened a single eye to see someone dressed in full empire military uniform. His posture was aggravatingly straight and proper. His eyes seemed to refuse to meet hers. "By the grace of Lady Null I have been instructed to escort you madam to have an outfit of bes'kar armor suited to your own tastes." The girl looked up at him, now with both eyes open, and examined his small, twitching movements. It seemed he was scared of Null, and by proxy perhaps scared of her. "I'm not going to hurt you." she stated softly, but it did nothing to assure the man. "Please follow me, and if it pleases you I request that you do not wander off." Taking her time to stand up she began to accompany him towards their destination. Hear ears nearly jumped at the volume of the message as it boomed across the massive ship. Still, she breathed a sigh of relief. Though she was hardly out of the woods at least she would be far away from Vader... "So tell me." she asked as they walked briskly, "What do you think of Null?" The man stopped in his tracks as if he had been hit over the head. "What? I just asked w-" she started, but was interrupted. "You called Lady Null simply by her name...no one does that except the great Lord Vader himself..." Lianna could not help to mentally sigh. She had no desire to even mention the murderer by name, but calling her the viscous cat lady would probably have her thrown into space to die. As much as she wanted to kill herself for even doing it, she knew that it would be best to try and adopt whatever customs these Imperials had, if only for protection. "My apologies. What do you think of 'Lady' Null?" she asked, putting as much emphasis, albeit slipping in a hint of sarcasm, on the word lady. "Her grace is an exceptional fighter and leader. I can only hope I am worthy of serving under her." Lianna rolled her eyes. Probably the response they were taught to give. They could hardly badmouth Vader's apprentice she supposed. Perhaps she could befriend someone enough to find out any real truths about the cat. Any power she could get over her would be welcomed.