[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hX23aho.png[/img][/center] [h2][color=aqua][center]Kanbaru Otoko and President Yoshino[/center][/color][/h2] [color=aqua] "Well it is nice to hear Purple Crown has such a studious president looking out for us, even if it must be a drag sometimes."[/color] Kanbaru said, eyeing the pervy man as he retreated from the area before returning her attention fully to Yoshino. While she really shouldn't stay off of DGO for long, the Bruiser was due for a breather and it seemed Yoshino was in need of some company. [color=aqua] "So Yoshino-san, what brings you to this kind of scene all by your lonesome?"[/color] [color=8493ca]"Hmm? Well I wasn't really alone until a few minutes ago. I'm not sure if you know of her, but Retsu Goroshi was accompanying me,"[/color] the President said, though it was somewhat easy to figure out there was something between her and the Yakuza chick. Given how much time they seemed to spend together, sharp eyes could detect that something was going on. She had explained herself though and now waited for what Kanbaru wanted to say. If it was another bribe to boost up her GPA, Yoshino already had a denial prepared. [color=aqua] "Retsu...Ah yes, word was that you two were rather inseparable. Lucky you for netting such a catch~"[/color] She leaned in with a congratulatory smile, aware that the rumored Yakuza was a mercurial beauty to say the least. Rather a stark contrast to the companion of Yoshino's sibling, though Kanbaru wouldn't know this yet. The Bruiser pulled away Yoshino to scan the dance floor, taking extra care picking through the few heads of red hair she could find. [color=aqua] "Though I can't find hide nor hair of her. She run off to the lou or something?" [/color] [color=8493ca]"She said she had some business to take care of. Probably Deep Ground stuff involving my client,"[/color] Yoshino said, really wishing she had brought her glasses along with her. But that safety blanket was gone now and with Retsu nowhere to be found, she was stuck dealing with this blue-headed stranger...thinking on it now, why were all the blue-heads in her life overtly eccentric? Must be a Bruiser thing. It appeared to Kanbaru was a touch uncomfortable, an understandable reaction since Kanbaru had come out of nowhere to hug her as though had an established friendship. The only thing to be done about that was for her to get building bridges.[color=aqua] "Damn, I get the feeling. I came here expecting an associate of mine, but they decided things were better off if she remained anonymous. Sigh, now it's just us lonely hearts...hey, I rented a private room and its going to waste with just me. Want to come? We can order a few drinks and bemoan our faithless dates~"[/color] [color=8493ca]"Did you just verbally sigh?" [/color]Yoshino asked, again wondering what was with these blue-heads she knew. In any case, she supposed it wasn't too suspicious. Better someone from her school than some stranger she didn't know and she did want affection and attention. So with reluctance, she nodded her head and managed a small, [color=8493ca]"Sure, fine,"[/color] before following Kanbaru's lead. Remembering from what she knew of Kanbaru's school records, the girl was decent enough. Not as bad as her sister by then again Chiyo was in a league of her own. [color=aqua] "Excellent!"[/color] Kanbaru exclaimed as she wrapped one arm around Yoshino's waist and led the president towards the back room, passing the room containing a catatonic Retsu, before returning to where she herself had been playing a few minutes prior. She sat herself down on the blue sofa and motioned for Yoshino to sit wherever she pleased. [color=aqua] "So Yoshino-san, what's on your mind?"[/color] [color=8493ca]"Nothing in particular....and you didn't answer my question,"[/color] Yoshino said, taking her seat while also scowling at being near-dragged into this room. [color=8493ca]"There's not much to say unless you'd like to hear about the new curriculums the school is trying to implement. Or new procedures in discipline. Or maybe the latest activities of the Winter Festival the Chess and Newspaper Club have planned."[/color] [color=aqua] "What's wrong with a verbal sigh? Far more effective than the alternative."[/color] Kanbaru said, evading the largely meaningless question. [color=aqua] "And that isn't what I asking, and you know it. Look, I'm not trying to pump you for the answers to our finals, but you saw that guy coming for you and didn't make a move to stop him. If this is because of Retsu, well, maybe you should talk about it before something happens. Lord knows I just did some reckless stuff when Dark Wraith left me here."[/color] Kanbaru grumbled the last part ruefully, turning her gaze downwards with a slight scowl of her own. [color=8493ca]"Hmm. Maybe. Though it's not just here, it's really...well, I suppose it does have a great deal to do with her. Though not in the way you may think,"[/color] Yoshino said, taking the other answer for now while keeping her hands on her lap. [color=8493ca]"I wasn't thinking straight back there, that's all. I expected a fun evening, something that Retsu promised me, only to get a fragment of that in the long run...anyway, why do you care anyway?"[/color] [color=aqua] "We are in the same boat, so why wouldn't I offer my shoulder? I came here looking to meet a pen pal and you came for your friend. In the end we were both very disappointed. Honestly, I needed a breather to recover from all that craziness on DGO, yet it's only gone further down the rabbit hole."[/color] Kanbaru said, raising a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose as she gradually leaned back till she reclining with her feet up on a glass table. [color=aqua] "Heh, look at me complaining when you clearly have the heavier load. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, am I right?"[/color] She offered as good natured jab. [color=8493ca]"I suppose, though over time the job just gets boring,"[/color] Yoshino replied back, the ghost of a smile on her face. It ward hard not to with this girl around, yet something about what she said made her pause in getting comfortable. [color=8493ca]"What did you mean by crazy? What's happening in Deep Ground right now? Surely it's not that big of a skirmish that Retsu had to log in again, is it?"[/color] [color=aqua] "Eh? You didn't know? Honestly I had thought that everyone knew and you were just avoiding the mess."[/color] Kanbaru said, turning to Yoshino with a look of surprise. [color=aqua] "The Strykers and Sweepers just kick started a civil war in the Black City, some random person started it trying to break into the Guild Hall for whatever reason, though last I was there Moon Rider had come on to try and direct the fighting at the Cobalt Bruisers cause, well..."[/color] Kanbaru scratched her chin, gaze roaming around the room before returning to President. [color=aqua] "I had tried to bring the Bruisers to the city to pacify the fighting, but Moon Rider and some ass hat name Paper Moon took it as a hostile invasion. Honestly I just wanted to stop them from fighting, but now they are killing each other AND gearing up to fight the Bruisers. Ugh, this wouldn't have been an issue if Titania or Absinthe had been on, but no, I was left to rally the Bruisers to try and do something good with our power. Just hope things don't blow up while I'm here."[/color] If Kanbaru was expecting an immediate reaction from all of this, she would get no such thing because Yoshino merely stared at the blue-headed girl as if she had...well, grown two extra heads. Only when Kanbaru finished her recounting did she blink once, twice...before immediately clutching her stomach as if in pain. A striken expression plagued her face and she got up with a hasty step, legs wobbling while her feet carried her unconscious towards the door. [color=8493ca]"S-Sorry Otoko-san, but I gotta run. I guess I needed something in my stomach after all, so I'll be right back. Restroom first and then I'll order us some drinks,"[/color] she said hastily before rushing out of the room and towards her stated location. Walking into the restroom, she panted heavily and looked around to make sure no one else was present....before a deathly expression replaced her sickened one. A little overdramatic yes, but she needed to get out of there fast. Quite honestly she felt like punching a mirror but she was not like a certain edgelord wannabe. So instead she found a stall at the very end before locking the door and herself in privant solitude. She was going to contact her client this very instant because she was not, [i]not[/i] going to let a few idiots ruin the Ebony Strykers. And if what Kanbaru said was true, then the damage needed to be stopped imemdiately. It only took a few seconds for the deed to be done. It took fewer for the Black King, the real Black King, to step into the world of Deep Ground Online. [hr] [color=8493ca][center][h3]Welcome Moon Rider-Black King![/h3][/center][/color] [hr] [color=aqua] "Well...shit. That could have gone better. Guess I really am pretty reckless tonight. Sigh..." [/color]Kanbaru said, oddly disheartened Yoshino wasn't going to call her out on the verbal tick. It appeared that her breather didn't do anything but create more trouble all around. [color=aqua] "Should I...no. All my deals are falling through and I best not muck it up further. Back to the war front."[/color] [hr] [center][h3]Welcome Broker of Fortune![/h3][/center] [hr]