[quote=@Skyswimsky] A red scarf that does not symbolize JUSTICE? Heresy I say! [/quote] Hah! Justice is for the fools, I'm a villain at heart, why should I care for such pointless concepts? [quote=@Skyswimsky] Personality and history are vague enough that I don't really have to say too much about them but it's enough that I don't really require more. Though, your first paragraph is worded really weird, basically what you're trying to say is "Reiko would have been considered a prodigy if not for the fact she said "fuck magic!" and decided for a mundane live.", right? Right. [/quote] I can elaborate both a great deal, to say the truth. However, you asked for brief versions, that's pretty the lite version of Reiko. If you want an expansion, just tell me and I'll do so. Also, the second part is more or less ok, except that swearing is bad... :P [quote=@Skyswimsky] Magic is okay. Affinities aren't really a thing/proven but she can just have a knack for fire stuff/runes because anime. Not that big of a deal. Though, one part is missing - or more like I am just making sure. I mentioned that the term 'Magic' pretty much means the same as 'Runemagic', people are just lazy and don't keep saying Rune all the time. I don't see you mentioning anything about that. [/quote] Oh! Elemental affinities are such an ubiquitous feature to anime style magic that I take it for granted sometime, I shall edit it as soon as I get some time. As for runes, well... they practice Japanese forms of spell casting, given that their deal is mostly exorcism, I thought that the notion of the Asamiya clan using Onmyoudou and thereby deploying their magic via Ofuda would be would be intuitive. Anyway, I'll edit that in as well. [quote=@Skyswimsky] The basic ability of her seed is okay too, I think? I imagine it has powers related to a "classical [s]anime[/s] vampire" stuff! Silly me should probably edit that in the first post/OOC but a Yggdrasil Seed itself doesn't hold a unique power itself and is more like a tool to manifest/amplify certain [i]believes[/i] of its owner. That, however, still works out with what you have because a Seed being passed down inside a clan which retains it's 'same power' regardless of user isn't that unheard of. Just gotta make sure and ask that she isn't a vampire herself though, right?(Outside of however the Seed might screw with her). Because 'modern vampirism' is a thing and doesn't have much to do with blood. [/quote] Nah, Reiko isn't a vampire, she has a pint of vampire blood running on her veins, but that's too diluted to do anything outside enabling her to use her family relic (which she more or less stole). Also, yeah, they are more or less in line of classic anime vampire. I'll add an image of her [url=http://i.imgur.com/LRcNf4Z.png]vampire form[/url] as well as soon as I have tie to edit my CS. [hr] On an unrelated note, can we do more than one character, or are we limited to just one? Just out of curiosity. PS: I forgot to say. The cost of using her Seed too much is that she becomes more and more close to a vampire the more she uses it. But since it means negating her humanity, Reiko is not willing to do that. Also, no matter how powerful and stylish they are, vampires have a clusterf*ck of weaknesses, ecomoing one ain't exactly a walk in the park, heh!