[hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Altsoba%20Update_zpsmrjzomag.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Witch Cat] [@Lady Amalthea] [@BlueSky44] [@hagroden] [@Pundii] [@Sohtem] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [@hagroden] [@Morose]: Joel's blood type is B-. Fortunately for him, it seems the last blood drive was quite successful at Altsoba High, with the ROTC program running it. There's sufficient O- blood available, but eighty percent of it had been used on Katsumi and other patients, it appears. The test for blood typing is relatively quickly, and in seven minutes, they've managed to get more blood pumping into Joel. He stabilizes. Phew, that's lucky, eh? Next to him, he may notice Howard Brighton, who is getting his blood checked and typed for a possible blood infection. Howard Brighton isn't nearly as prominent as Joel in the field, but those involved with collecting ancient texts will certainly recognize him. Howard's blood type, thankfully, he seems to know. B+. The paramedics are buzzing around him, and he flashes a friendly wave over at Joel. [@BlueSky44]: If Katsumi had any doubts about what was going on between Amy and the creepy surgeon, they're gone now. After managing to shove her way through the crowd of reporters, Katsumi gets a front row seat to watch the surgeon turn into [url=http://65.media.tumblr.com/f7e092610f7066ad35a754c7fb03442c/tumblr_inline_nn54g0QAhY1slk5sm_500.gif]this[/url] woman, and begin attacking the two women standing near Dr. Barnes. Something supernatural is clearly going on here. Time for you to stop it. You recognize her for what she is, likely. A qareen. The box being cradled by Dr. Barnes gave it away. It contains the qareen's heart. [@Lady Amalthea]: Amy's softball manages to stop the creep. He winces, holding his head for just a moment, and that moment is all Amy needs to break off, running as fast as she can. However, her obstacles aren't over. The Amelia Pilkvist lookalike comes over, prepared with a full camera crew, and instantly begins asking Amy for a statement on what they're dubbing "the Altsoba Massacre." The boom mic is stuck in her face, and the crew looks at her expectantly. [@Lady Amalthea]: Fortunately for Danica, Aunt Sue's Inn isn't too far from the hospital. She makes it to the inn without any other paranormal occurrences. No one seems to be about in the inn, with all of the doors closed. Nothing is out of place. If Danica turns on her computer, she'll find herself flooded with messages from fans of her travel blog. Most of them are worried that their beloved writer has died, and a few of them are the usual hate messages that those with nothing better to do send. [@Witch Cat] [@Pundii] [@BlueSky44] [@Morose]: This is certainly an odd group of skeptics and believers. More and more reporters are flocking over, making it impossible to have a decent conversation. There's no need for them to stay at Town Center, with the bodies being taken care of, and Cecily processing all of the evidence. Jade suggests that they take the conversation somewhere a bit more private--and adds that Jake's probably isn't too busy at the moment. [@Sohtem]: Jessica's dealing with the crazies that Amy left behind, now. The first patient she gets to deal with is missing - wait for it - his leg! An atheist, his religious wife somehow got it into her head that she needed to lop the thing off. If the blood loss doesn't kill him, the infection might. Time to work a miracle, doc. [@Witch Cat]: A powerful energy becomes apparent to Sylvia. It's subtle, however, preventing her from being able to tune in exactly on who it surrounds. The group of what appears to be Law Enforcement, a reporter, and a punk kid stick out to her, with the energy being around there. If she approaches, a single word will practically be whispered to her. [i]Prophet.[/i] [hr][hr][h1][center][color=f26522]Dr. Chase Barnes[/color][/center][/h1][center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/34095868/large.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Town Center Interacting With: Scarlet [@Sohtem], Samantha [@Nallore], Jamila (the Beautiful "Woman")[/center][hr][hr]Dr. Barnes laughed nervously, nearly dropping the box. Any time it began to slip out of his grasp, immense terror came across his face, as if his life depended on it. [color=f26522]"She's better than a...than a....FitBit,"[/color] Dr. Barnes stuttered, swallowing thickly. For a villain with a masterplan, he hadn't mastered a pokerface at all. Beads of sweat were rolling off his face, increasing with each and every question he was posed. [color=f26522]"What are you...a cop?"[/color] he laughed, his eyes practically bugging out. [color=f26522]"You have to tell me if...if you are."[/color] The dog snarling at the box only increased his fear. [url=http://seriable.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/407-00026.jpg]The contents[/url] were far too precious for some mangy mutt to chew on. It had taken him a few weeks to make the spell work, to be able to extract his revenge. He grimaced at the brown haired woman. [color=f26522]"Gun me down?"[/color] he asked, his eyes darting down at the box. [color=f26522]"Jamila!"[/color] he shouted, his hand on top of the box. No longer the ginger doctor, Jamila's form shifts as she approaches, returning to [url=http://65.media.tumblr.com/f7e092610f7066ad35a754c7fb03442c/tumblr_inline_nn54g0QAhY1slk5sm_500.gif]this[/url] state. Her eyes are down and sad, as if metal chains had forced her to do the bidding of a single person. She glances at Dr. Barnes, who grins, his eyes filled with a manic glee. [color=f26522]"Get rid of them!"[/color] Dr. Barnes squeaked. [color=f26522]"Amy can wait for later!"[/color] Jamila nodded, approaching Scarlet and Samantha. She flashed them a grin, her teeth perfectly in line. Conventionally, she should have been harmless. Yet there was something incredibly unconventional about the mysterious woman, the qareen. With supernatural strength, Jamila grabbed Scarlet by the throat, and lifted her far above Jamila's head, beginning to choke her to death.