Here it is, took me longer than expected. [hider=CS] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=1a7b30][b]Name:[/b] Killian "The Bastard" Kavanagh [b]Height:[/b] 6 ft 5 in [b]Weight:[/b] 167 lb./76 kg. [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Personality:[/b] Killian has lived a lot of his life outside or on the fringe of the Magic Society and it has given him an aversion towards those of affluent houses. He lives his everyday life in accordance to his own desires (He's a NEET) and only does things if he really wants too. His distaste for authority and apathetic sarcasm has landed him in trouble in the past and has given him a rebellious side, though he is a bit cowardly. More often than not he will be running the opposite direction of danger, either coming to terms with his own cowardice or giving himself excuses (i.e: "Live to fight another day" mentality). He has a pretty dry sense of humor that tends to annoy people and generally starts talking a lot when he is scared. [b]Brief History[/b]: Born out of wedlock to the family head of the Blackbournes and a normal human, Killian was recognized as a bastard to the family. The Blackbournes being an elitist group took Killian in as a ward distastefully after his mother passed away. He received treatment appropriate to his standing and faced harsh adversity from his half-siblings alike as well as the rest of the family. As a young child he had a weak frame that did not help his case within a household of people who all-but hated him. He learned magic alongside the others of the family but fought against harsh tasks and lessons the other children did not face. Despite the animosity, Killian found that he had a knack for magic, a strength he his own possessed and would have to nurture if he ever wanted anything more for himself in life. Through harsh study and the help of his half-sister, who was the only one who looked at him with kindness, Killian designed his own runemagic at an exceptionally young age. After almost a decade, Killian, now a high school graduate and skilled wielder of magic, set out on his own in order to find what he wanted from life as well as get away from the place where he faced harsh circumstances all his life. Fast-forward a few more years and some crazy adventures Killian is now an Einherjar and NEET, spending most of his days in his New Sealand apartment playing computer games, pirating music, and eating cup noodles. He seeks to take part in Ragnarok in order to fulfill a lifelong wish and debt to his half-sister. [b]Magic:[/b] Killian's Runemagic surrounds the manipulation and usage of sound. He has two very complex runes of his own design tattooed onto the top and bottom of his tongue as well as two tattooed to the palms of his hand that grant him the ability to use sound to his advantage. With his mouth, Killian can manipulate his own voice. The top rune helps him to change the volume of his voice from very very high to very low. The rune beneath his tongue grants him the ability to change his voice to mimic the voice of any person or sound of anything he hears and project it from different locations within earshot. With his hands Killian's magical abilities take a more external focus. With his right hand, Killian can amplify the properties of any existing sounds to powerful levels. For example, he could make the beating of a fly's wings sound like a 50. Machine Gun going off at full-auto, and with a lot of effort and mana he can give a sound enough force to knock somebody off their feet. Killian's left can dull sound from a low hum to absolute silence. [b]Yggdrasil Seed:[/b] The seed that Killian ate fittingly manifested itself in an ability to phase through matter like a ghost. Though he has not experimented with it much, the ability has gotten him out of many a tough scenario. When active, Killian's appearance doesn't change at all, he appears as if he is there though he isn't there. When he moves it's almost like he is walking on the moon as if gravity isn't completely in control of his body, allowing him to jump several feet higher and take longer strides. [b]Extras:[/b] - Killian has an extensive foray of music that he uses in tandem with his magic for some pizzazz. His tastes range from trap to classical. - He carries his headphones with him everywhere as well as a cheap pocket speaker. He also carries his laptop in his backpack with him just in case. - He likes coffee cake.[/color] [hr] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider] EDIT: added extras and a song