I'm a hipster and read the books first. Ehehehe. But, yeah Edmund doesnt get better until Dawn Treader but I think that's in part because Eustace mirrors his trashiness from the past books and it kinda makes him realize, "oh, damn, I was a little shit." But also, Edmund kinda realizes it's the end of his journey there, so he's gotta make the best of it. I'm pretty sure he still does something stupid in the middle, though. Par for the course for that Pevensie. The thing is, Eustace made the same character development in less time than Edmund, so by default, he's still an ass. I'm pretty sure Eustace is a better person by the start of the Silver Chair, all the way to the Magician's Nephew. (It's been so long since I've read them. I need to read them again. But also all these memories coming back to me. *sobs* Those books were my childhood)