[b]Jasmine[/b] [@Lunarlors34] The fire would feel warm, and slightly ticklish, but it would not burn. Penny pulled Jasmine close, almost into an embrace, and she waited a heart beat as her magic adjusted for the added weight, before shooting into the air. It was easier, smoothier, and there was more power in the flight, and Penny was reminded once more of the choice she must needs make. Her thoughts drifted to Ariel for a few moments, hoping the girl was alright. She shouldn't have let her go off on her own, or rather without her. She leveled off at a steady height, the city of crocus laid out below them. She shifted just slightly, ensuring she nad a good grib on Jasmine. It wouldn't do to drop the girl-it would give her a fright but Penny would catch her. [color=f7976a]"are you okay?"[/color] she asked [b]Master Jamie[/b] [@Zarkun] Jamie glanced up as someone approached her, studying them a moment, before letting ner eyes be drawn back to what was going on. [color=f26522]"Thats right. My daughter is out there, I am just making sure she is safe"[/color] she said, although she couldn't see Amelia, the girls magic, like everyone elses, was quite distinctive. [color=f26522]"I assume you have a reason for looking for me, so"[/color] Jamie looked back over, [color=f26522]"you know my name, who are you?"[/color] [b]Michael[/b] [@Lmpkio][@Expolar] Michael followed Samir quitely to the table, sitting down , he etayed quite, studying both her, and Wes. He tilted his head thoughtfully, the two obviously had a good rapor, and Michael remembered the scandel of the magic council. They had, then, been guild mates. He looked down at his drink, his hands wrapped around the cup, seeking the warmth. Finally though, he found himself speaking up. [color=00a651]"I imagine t-t-that has s-s-something to do with t-the magic c-c-c-council attack, weren't you the r-r-reason why that c-c-came about?"[/color] While Michael knew he shouldn't listen to rumors, there were facts floating around there, and he was curious.