[h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Residential District→Rhys' Clinic] [/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo] Selena's suggestion was sound, and Lilisette managed to navigate her way to the clinic, after a few minutes of being somewhat lost and turned around. Outside of the clinic, the group would see a two familiar faces making their way out of the clinic; Glyph and the Heliolisk from earlier. Making their way in a completely different direction was an unfamiliar Mienshao. Waving an arm, the Kirlia called out to Glyph and his injured friend, [color=29afdd]"Heeey Mr. Glyph! Glad your friend looks okay! Seeee ya!"[/color] Not even giving the Flygon ample time to respond, Lilisette dragged the Totodile inside the clinic. [color=29afdd]"Mr. Rhys, you have a patient!"[/color] The Chimecho immediately made his way over to the door, letting out a soft jingling noise as he navigated the halls. [color=f9edad]"Oh my...! What on earth happened to him?"[/color] The Kirlia, still keeping a Psychic hold on the Totodile grinned, [color=29afdd]"Oh you know, not much. He's just a bit crispy."[/color] With a horrified expression, the Chimecho took hold of the Totodile with his own [color=f9edad][PSYCHIC][/color], the Kirlia releasing him. In a rush, the Chimecho carried Devon over to one of the free rooms, gently setting him down. [color=f9edad]"Goodness... what are the nature of your wounds? I'll give you a Heal Pulse to take a bit of the edge off..."[/color] [color=f9edad][RHYS used HEAL PULSE!][/color] A healing energy formed beneath Devon, flowing into his form; the warmth and healing effect would be noticeably more potent than Lilisette's. [h3][color=fca05a]Robel the Heliolisk[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Outside Rhys' Clinic] [/b] [@Light Lord] With Zihark taking his leave, it gave Robel a little more room to speak of important matters. The children from before passed by, with one greeting Glyph. After a few moments, the Heliolisk replied to the Guild Leader's question, [color=fca05a]"Given the current situation... either we can use the plans at a later date, or perhaps someone else can take my lead. That is of course if you believe the Expedition is even appropriate right now. Even if I were not currently injured I would prefer to remain in the city."[/color]