[hider=Character Sheet] [i][u][center][h3][color=brown] Anton Soklovo [/color][/h3][/center][/u][/i] [hr] [center][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/47d203102dfb01ff25165e70245aabc3/tumblr_nlw54wVcMc1qmrkfoo2_500.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=white][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=brown] Anton Skolkovo [/color] [color=white][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=brown] 34 [/color] [color=white][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=brown]Anton is whoever he needs to be when the situation calls for it, he could be the smart person in the room to the kind neighbor next door or the cute guy in the bar you're sitting next to. Having a malleable personality that makes him simply unrecognizable when switching social circles, he really got the poker face down as he switches scene from scene. Easily adapting to whatever scenario that he is put into, he is comfortable with doing anything once before deciding whether or not he would want to do it again. Having a slight addiction for seeking adrenaline and could be labeled as a thrill seeker for his daring nature sometimes when he shows it. Sometimes, however, a nice and slow perspective of the world is also nice during a clear night to watch the stars or walk around at night to enjoy the change of atmosphere.[/color] [color=white][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=brown]The Skolkovo family is a small but infamous family of around 30 people in the magical community for completely ignoring the degradation of magic and embraced the future with involving the modern world into their magic. With them being a very old family which its reputation has been lost but has its ties to the legendary Rune Sage of legends, they are a force that is intimidating and respected enough to dissuade most actions against them. In terms of sheer theoretical magic theory, they are perhaps the best at it with what they do with despite their ways and when they put churn those ideas into reality, it's frightening what they can do. However, in today's time period, the Skolkovo family is in a relative neutral ground with every family if you ignore the bad blood with their modern ways, with few allies which could be barely called that as they more likely owe the small family a favor. Their ties are more with the modern world where they get their resources and a variety of other things from the obvious people that don't know anything. It could be said that its good to have a family dedicated to watching the humans in case anything suspicious attention be drawn toward the magical community, however, like everything, it's up for debate. Their one accepted thing about the Skolkovo family is that they do anything to further the advancement of magic in anyway whether it conflicts with their roots or not. Anton with his family is the fourth in line to succeed and it won't be anytime soon that he will be the head of the family business but still doing anything will help support them. With his eldest sister at the head with his parents and siblings monitoring with a supportive gaze behind her, she leads the company with her hands and the guidance of previous handlers. His family as a business is highly successful considering it is just a small project on the side but it was just a means to provide some of the funding for the family. With his childhood like most of any normal children of his day and age with the obvious exception of magic as a subject that was passionately taught to him and eventually passed down to Anton. Along with these subjects, the subject of coding also came into play with Anton and like every family member before him, he too learned how to write in the language of computers which its skills would apply to magic. An equal comparison between the two, rune magic and coding were very similar in the fact of the fine detail needed to perform both for the smoothest and best application of them. Their rune magic was meticulously worked on and their precision with inhumanly accurate and efficient, gathering them an infamous name of being the best magicians for creating intimidating pieces of magic. After his teenage years, he was allowed some leeway as he began to travel the world on his own expense and make some connections for himself and the family business. Being relatively successful businessman for the small company and continued to do so which increased how luxurious his life could become, of course with some moderation as well. Retaining a good portion of his humbleness, he soon stopped working and continued to get an education and obtained his bachelor in science and master in computer science. After graduating, Anton went back to live with the family for a little bit and enjoyed life with everyone really before moving out once more. Freelancing with his skills, he made quite the living for a single person income and did this comfortably for a few years along with the occasional business trip to rake in more assets for the company. Upon hearing that the rituals of Ragnarok was beginning once more, it was a chance that should be taken to promote the Skolkovo family so that their position will be cemented and never be taken down. Of course, he wouldn't let anyone know who he was, for if they did then the resentment would soon come after. But perhaps that's just an excuse to seek something more of his life, a gigantic dose of memories to be had if he should win and not to mention the excitement or thrill along the way. But, perhaps that's a tad optimistic which in either way, he's going to be in it to win it![/color] [color=white][b]Magic:[/b][/color] [color=brown]Anton's magic in general, is like art itself, it could be elegant and soft or assertive and powerful depending on what needs to be done. With the family specialty, he is gifted with the weaving of barriers that have various effects depending on what is written on the runes. However, the true power of the Skolkovo family's power is to do the opposite of everyone in the magic community in which instead of fighting against reality, why not take the path of least resistance and go along with it? Taking advantage of their education they are capable of doing things neither side could do by itself and combine the two to a potent force. By working science and magic together, the only limit to Anton and in extension the Skolkovo family have with magic is their lack of knowledge. Of course, though, the runes for any of these advanced techniques are long at best and are literally paragraphs of runes despite the ways working around a large majority of faults in them. Anton's runes represent the weakness of themselves, they require time to prepare and the longer it becomes depending on how advance you want them to be. Runes upon runes to increase efficiency, to hold stability and form, along with to fortify the strength of it as well the Skolkovo's form of rune magic while indeed potent are designed to be supported by more than just one person. Making them taxing depending on the complexity of the spell that is trying to be cast by Anton if just focusing on pure magic. Combining simple commands to build upon each other, it creates the end product of spells easier if it follows the laws of science but when you decided to get magical, it's best to let the magic part take over. Overall, the big aces of magic will be kept in his sleeves while the parlor tricks with science and magic will be his main course. [/color] [b][color=white]Yggdrasil Seed:[/color][/b] [color=brown] Anton's Yggdrasil Seed takes the form of his eyes, as upon consumption and then acceptation of him as a suitable host for the seed, it underwent additional transformation on him. Rewiring and altering his eyes to make him technically blind, at least to this world while in exchange allowing him to see in a different perspective to say the least. Allowing himself to see in multiple layers, the living which consisted of mana and ether while the dead with Vim causing the world that he sees to be quite bleak and gloomy. Sometimes its quite unnerving when his vision blurs as something from beyond whispered into his ears. These voices speak almost inaudibly like a gentle gust of wind that is almost unnoticed when it moves unless you pay attention. [/color] [b][color=white]Notes:[/color][/b] [color=brown] He has two tattoos which are simple runes that surround his arm like a band, they both consume more mana they more he wants to move [list] [*]The first rune is one to gather water, whether it be in the air or elsewhere [*]The second rune is one to move heat from surrounding objects [/list] The third tattoo on his other arm is like a scripture for a single tattoo, a old piece of magic from the family thats surprisingly useful [list] [*]The third rune on his arm allows him to compress/crush the space that he is focusing on but even a rolling object or walking object renders this useless as it cannot retarget without canceling it entirely. Upon casting, it takes on gradual strength and grows as it focuses on one point consuming more mana with the strength being used. [/list][/color] [/hider] Hopefully, he isn't bad, mixing magic and science always seems to produce this from me but either way he's done!