[h3][color=ffc928]Xicu the Manifest[/color] and [color=d66671]Lady Lilith[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Throne of the Manifest][/b] Deep within the Folio's Roots was a lair known only as Throne of the Manifest. The large room was separated from the rest of Basement Floor 14 by a long hallway. Inside the room, the walls were covered with moss, with a few pools of water littering the outermost edges. From the springs grew small trees, sitting atop twisted roots. Situated in the back of it all was a large throne made from tangled roots. Upon the throne sat a proud Xatu; Xicu the Manifest. The female Xatu called out with her dulcet voice, [color=ffc928]"...You do realize I can sense Temporal Displacement, correct? Out with you."[/color] From the farthest shadows a winged Pokémon appeared, her pink eyes falling upon the so-called deity. [color=d66671]"Goodness, I had no idea you could sense [i]that[/i]... well then, this is going to complicate matters."[/color] Raising a brow, the Xatu looked over the trespasser. [color=ffc928]"Your existence already complicates matters. You should not be here."[/color] Waving a dismissive hand, the winged female replied, [color=d66671]"Yes, yes, possibly not. That said, I am here to assure your allegiance to the Shadow Lord."[/color] The Fairy-type's words caused Xicu to roll her eyes and reply flatly, [color=ffc928]"My, my. You're quite bold coming here to discuss matters that have not even happened yet. Now than, what interest would [i]you[/i] have in this matter...? You are from the future, no? You should already be aware of my decision. This conversation is pointless."[/color] [color=d66671]"Pointless? No, it's most certainly [i]not[/i] pointless. The fate of your people hang in the balance, as I'm sure you're aware."[/color] Making her way towards Xicu, Lilith was then halted by a telekinetic force. [color=ffc928]"Come no further. I have no quarrel with you, but I also do not wish to discuss matters that do not concern you. Leave, now."[/color]