Peter listened to everyone carefully. He would have to look into their files later to get a better idea. He was new himself after all and hadn't been notified of his coming duties until just recently. Even then, he should have had enough time to get his shit together, but with Spider-Man work and other points of his life... All excuses aside, his entire world would typically just about completely screw him over and drive him to his death if he were anybody else. He could handle this just like he handled everything else. Still, he liked what he was seeing. He had been in the game a long time and he knew that anybody could have been a hero. Still looking over the team of students he would be leading, one stood out as a bit more... Fragile. They'd probably need some sort of small body armor, exoskeleton or something... Sure the kid could work wonders on the human mind, but given some of the psychopaths or strong will baddies he had seen Peter knew full well that this wouldn't always be a good course of action. Hey! Look at that. Barely on the job two weeks and he was already formulating a pseudo lesson plan for one of his students. Soon another student would burst in, and after Peter explained why it was okay to be late today and what he needed to do, he had the class reintroduce themselves quickly for Chance's and his own sake. However, this time he had activated the computer and was beginning to rapidly enter data and information. "Alright, starting with Brick, as he so humbly decided, I'll run a test or two for each of you. It'll be a small simulation to see how you act under pressure and it'll also serve to test your limits in a situation where you may not be comfortable or able to act without hesitation." He said simply before turning back to the class as he leaned back against the console. "Any questions?" The simulations would play out as follows: 1) Brick - A simulation of super villain The Rhino would be rampaging, fleeing from the police. He would seem on the verge of collapse and easy to take down, however, there would be a building he'd smashed into crumbling over innocent civilians. Brick would have to decide. Let the villain escape or save the civilians. It was possible they wouldn't die. There would likely only be a few injuries as far as the simulation played out. It was also possible law enforcement could handle and manage to subdue this incarnation of the Rhino. There were no definites on either fronts. Brick would be left to make the choice himself. Chase the villain or save the civvies. 2) Juggernaut - A simulation of a rampaging Red Hulk. He would relentlessly and strategically attack the young would be Juggernaut and force him to fight back. The problem? They would be in a populated area with innocent bystanders around. Would he try to lead the red behemoth away or attempt to immobilize him before any real damage can be done? With the soldier's mind he could probably guess the tactic if the young hero wasn't discreet in his plan. Thus, he would need to be careful, and could possibly lose control of himself. A test of mind, body and will. 3) Damon - For Damon, it was a slightly simpler test. He would go about a sort of aerial obstacle course. However, the idea would be hard hitting all the same. He was carrying a bomb. He could try and get it out over the ocean, or up away from civilization. Still, he'd be attacked by enemies on all sides. Maneuverability, skill, judgement, the qualities of a hero, just like the others he would be tested. 4) Chance - A power plant on the verge of a meltdown. Sparks flying everywhere, and workers filling the halls. Stop the meltdown? Evacuate and contain? Evacuated as far as possible? What would this young hero do? 5) Bad Boy - Finally, a hostage situation with this young man among the hostages. A small group of men. The leader clearly crazy. Talk the crazy man down? Find a way to access his weapons and stun them? Will he put himself and the other people at risk? Will he simply end lives? How would he work through this?