[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=cyan]Anastasia Beaumont[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvzqk2ZjrQ1r3h4ef.gif[/img] Location: Vanessa's Restaurant Interacting With: [@BeautifulSnow] Vanessa [@rivaan] Natasha[/center] [hr][hr] Anastasia would smile softly at Vanessa and followed her and took a seat at the counter as she looked over her shoulder as she heard the door opening and stared at the woman who entered, someone that she didn't even know and made her way towards an empty table Ana turned her attention back towards Vanessa and smiled at her. [color=cyan]"Take your time with the customer."[/color] Anastasia said with a soft smile as she turned around as Vanessa left behind the counter and turned over to make her way towards Natasha to take the woman's order. [color=cyan]"How are you doing today miss?"[/color] Anastasia asked Natasha and smiled softly giving the woman a friendly welcome. After Natasha had her order taken Vanessa turned to make her way back towards the counter to make the order, Anastasia thought for a moment and then blushed slightly when she was called Princess. [color=cyan]"I'd like to have a coffee if that's okay with you?"[/color] Anastasia asked as she turned around and faced Vanessa and watched her make a cup for the three of them. [color=cyan]"So when did you open this little shop?"[/color]