[hider=Chris Meyer] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=Lightblue][center]Chris Meyer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://www.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2015119/rs_500x270-150219114253-tumblr_n3ijlasV6U1t4k5m7o6_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=Lightblue][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Lightblue]Name:[/color][/b]Well, my name is Chris AJ Meyer [b][color=Lightblue]Aliases:[/color][/b] My grandma called me Chrissy, but I'm not allowing anyone to call me that here, in fact I haven't even told them about it. This isn't going to be announced, right? [b][color=Lightblue]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [b][color=Lightblue]Birthday:[/color][/b] March 23rd, 1984 [b][color=Lightblue]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Caucasian [b][color=Lightblue]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Queens [b][color=Lightblue]Years With Dunder Mifflin[/color][/b] I have been working here since the New Castle Branch began, really. Never really thought of it as something to keep track of. I thought I would be outta here before I knew it, but the place just kind of grew on me. [b][color=Lightblue]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=Lightblue]Major/Minor:[/color][/b] I went to Cornell and got a degree in Literature. When I'm not pranking people or actually working the 15% of the day I do I write. [b][color=Lightblue]Occupation:[/color][/b] I am a paper salesman. I sell paper for a living on a little more than minimum wage. Now I didn't expect to be J.K. Rowling when I was done by college but I didn't expect to be doing this. [b][color=Lightblue]Languages:[/color][/b] I know English. My mother tried to teach me French from the time she was over there but all I learned was 'The Boat Was On Water.' You want me to say it? I said I learned it, not know it still today. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=Lightblue][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Lightblue]Height:[/color][/b] Last time I checked I was about 6'1 [b][color=Lightblue]Weight:[/color][/b] 260 pounds... I think... [b][color=Lightblue]Build:[/color][/b] Well you can see me right here, but if you want me to describe myself, I have huge muscles, I wave around a hammer and I'm from Asgaurd. Oh wait, that's Chris Hemsworth in Thor, I'm Chris Meyer from Dunder Miflin. In that case I'm not completely buff but I do workout. I'm on the taller side of most in the office. I'm toned in the arms but more so in the legs as I run every night, but sadly I'm required to wear pants so you can't see my glorious calves. [b][color=Lightblue]Eyes:[/color][/b] My mother said my eyes were chocolate brown... That night I had a freakish nightmare that my mother was eating out my eyes because they tasted like chocolate, so from now on I just say deep brown. [b][color=Lightblue]Hair:[/color][/b] I guess I have almond brown hair, but it's ok to say that, I don't like almonds so I don't really have dreams of people eating out my hair. [b][color=Lightblue]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] I'm not Twilight vampire white, I have some tan hue to me, so... Yeah. [b][color=Lightblue]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] I'm all good on those, but when I was a kid I imagined a dragon tattoo on my back. Glad I didn't go through with that dream. [b][color=Lightblue]Personal Style:[/color][/b] Black pants and a belt with a golden clasp. I call it my lucky belt because... Well I don't know I just do. I wear standard collard dress shirts and I black tie. If I'm feeling laid back I don't go with the tie. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=Lightblue][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=Lightblue][center]Comedian * Not Focused * Caring * Bends Rules[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=Lightblue]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Im heterosexual. In fact I kind of have a cru- Actually, I'll save that for later. [b][color=Lightblue]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=Lightblue]Personality:[/color][/b] Some of the people here are work-a-holics, all they do and care about is working, and that's great for them, but it's really not... Me. I love to joke and to prank, and to have some friendly banter with my co-workers. And yes, I know a lot of my salary is based on commission, so I do work, but I only really set my mind to things I enjoy, and working here is something I need for the time being, not something I really [i]want[/i] to do. But hey, I haven't been here that long, maybe it will change. I'm a comedian, I like to joke, but I know when to stop. Sure I pull pranks on people, but only if If the people really deserve it, or if I have a certain disliking to them and they at on my nerves. I'm not mindless and I don't go around putting kind, sweet, caring people's staplers in jello. That's what I do to the ***holes who but the sh*t out of me. I'm not normally one for office romances, but if something clicks I'll go with it, which hasn't really happened to me yet, but there are a few people that I'm close with here. I try to be friendly with everyone, I mean they're my co-workers and after working with them this long a lot of them are like my family. Like I said before, working constantly nonstop isn't for me, but when I do work I take it very seriously. I'm trying to earn money, not lose it, and when it comes to clients I'm really what I put on my résumé, hard working and attentive, and I respect other people clients, and ind playing pranks in the middle of a call or disrupting one, is just taking it too far, though I can't say other people have that same belief. While I like to prank and joke around, I do have a soft spot. I got my mothers side and kind of alhave a warm friendly glow in the office, which is part of why I'm friends with mostly everyone here. [b][color=Lightblue]Habits:[/color][/b] Ok, so a few bad habits of mine are biting my nails. I don't know if I do it because I'm nervous, or because I'm bored, but after Everest at work I come home with uneaven nails. I also tend to fall asleep during PowerPoint presentations, I mean, we have actual TVs... Use them. [b][color=Lightblue]Hobbies:[/color][/b] I believe I stated this before, but I absolutely love writing. Hopefully I want to publish something one day, but I don't think I'm quite there yet. [b][color=Lightblue]Fears:[/color][/b] I have a fear of failing to become a writer. As one of my biggest hobbies and something I want to become a profession, it would fare me apart if I failed at it. I have a fear that I'm disappointing my parents. I mean, I grew up to a rich family, with jobs in the field of medical and engineering, and I'm sitting at a desk in New Castle, Pennsylvania, as a paper salesman, and a wannabe writer. I also have a fear that I won't go anywhere. Either being that in this company or out of it, I just can't take the fact that I like be stuck as a paper salesman until I retire, which is completely irrational, but I can't help but wonder... [b][color=Lightblue]Likes:[/color][/b] 6 minimal [list][*]Writing [*]Pizza [*]Beer [*]Pranking [*]Larties [*]Swimming [*]Running [*]Rain & Snow[/list] [b][color=Lightblue]Dislikes:[/color][/b] 6 minimal [list][*]Selfish People [*]My Parent's Expectations [*]Society's Expectations [*]Boring People [*]People without a sense of humor [*]Pickles... I don't even know why.[/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=Lightblue][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Lightblue]General World Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Book Knowledge - I am a total book nerd, I mean with a degree in literature I had to pick up some knowledge. [*]Sales - I mean, I'm a paper salesman. [/list] [b][color=Lightblue]Combat Skills:[/color][/b] Um... Combat skills. Not sure why viewers would want to know that, but... What kind of documentary are your running here? [list] [*]Guns - Overall, I'm not bad with a couple types of rifles. My dad ALWAYS used to take me hunting, so I'm farmiliar with the way most guns work. My dad also told me how to work a small pistol he had in his bedroom drawer in case there was ever an intruder in the house. [/list] [b][color=Lightblue]What Is On Your Person:[/color][/b] Um, not a very usual question, but, [list] [*]Gold Plated Wristwatch - It was actually my fathers but he gave it to me when I was 15. I guess I just kept it ever since without really noticing it. Now it's just part of me. [*]Phone - I always keep my phone in my front pocket, because I find back pockets are easier to take things from. [*]Wallet - I have my wallet in my other front pocket with my ID, credit card, drivers license, and some cash. [*]Keys - My house and car keys are on a key chain that is attached to my belt loop. [*] [*] [/list] [b][color=Lightblue]Desk:[/color][/b] Well, my desk is one of the organized parts about me. It's color coded by... I'm sorry I just can't. At this point I just throw my sh*t in the drawers and I hope I can find it the next day. [list] [*]Photos - I have a picture of me, my mom, my dad, and my older brother right before he went of to California for college. I also have a picture of my niece, Emily in a red heart frame. [*]PrankBox - One of my drawers that I actually take seriously is my prank supply drawer. There are a couple items organized in there, but there is a big white box that was a prototype of a thing called PrankBox, which I was supposed to mass produce and sell online, but I never got around to it. One of the things in the box is a packet of 'weed'. It looks like weed, smells like weed, don't ask me where I got the fragrance, and it's just the right amount to get someone suspended without pay. So... I'm saving that one. [*]Food - So there is an electrical outlet on the floor under my desk, I don't know why, but I took the opportunity to buy a mini fridge so I don't have to get up and get food from the kitchen. That's just my last side coming out, and to make people jealous I have a mini fridge under my desk. [*]Out of State Drawer - Whenever I go out of state and the rare occasion of going out of country I put all my knick-knacks and pictures from those places in my drawer. It seems pretty stupid, but it's really sentimental to me. [*] [*] [*] I drive a Chevy Cobalt. It's really not that bad. It gets me places and I can pick up my niece with it, so it's perfect for me. [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=Lightblue][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Lightblue]What Brings You to Dunder Mifflin:[/color][/b] Well I came to Dunder Miflin right out of college, in a spot where my degree couldn't get me anywhere at the moment, and when I saw a "NEW BRANCH, HELP NEEDED"'advertisement I took the opportunity to jump on it. I never really thought I would stay this long, but I guess it got to have this affect on me, where a lot of the people here who I would normally have considered friends were now like family. Knowing that. I couldn't just leave the place, so I stayed. [b][color=Lightblue]Life Up To This Point:[/color][/b] Well, if you want to hear all of it, then ok, but I'm going to need a water bottle. I was born in Queens and raised in a rich household. My younger life wasn't great because I was the second born and my parents constantly praised my older brother Marcus. I was always funny as a little kid and tied to be, even when I got sent to a private school. It wasn't the same as at home. No one laughed at my jokes, no one really... Got me. I was the 'weird kid' all the way to about eighth grade. It only changed when I went to a public high school, but it wasn't he same. I was t the funny goofy kid I used to be, I was more quiet and reserved. I liked to read, and didn't really make any friends. By the time I caught up with myself it was already my senior year. That's when I started to create more friends and when I started becoming funny again. Of course it was a more mature sense of humor than when I was 5, but it felt good to be me again. I'm t was great to finally become popular. I had my first girlfriend and my life was looking bright and I had only a couple more days to go before graduation. Graduation came and I was as excited as ever, when I realized only my mom and my brother were in the stands waving and smiling at me. Apparently that day my mom and dad had a huge fight, and my brother told me they were like this all the time when I was gone. A few weeks later I put the Mail on the table and noticed two different packets from two divorce lawyers. Once my parents found out I knew they wanted to talk about it with me. So in an attempt of escaping the inevitable I headed of to college, and for a while I forgot about the whole thing, of course it was on my mind, but I had more pressing things to do than worry about my parents issues. After I got my degree I headed back home to find it sold to another family. My mom told me my things were in public storage and I decided to move into a small house in New Casle Pennsylvania, hoping once again to escape from my parents and the divorce. I stayed there for a little while working at fast food joints, until I decided to get a real job here, and Dunder Miflin, and honestly it's been great, well, it's better than scraping gum off the bottoms of restaurant tables. I guess that's where you can't find me now... But of course you guys already know that. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=Lightblue][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=Lightblue]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "Don't bring the heat if you can't take it." [b][color=Lightblue]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktAXZebD0YI[/YouTube] [b][color=Lightblue]Dirty Little Secret:[/color][/b] I won't say who, but I'll admit I have a slight crush for someone here in the office. [b][color=Lightblue]Anything Else:[/color][/b] http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/138363-out-there/ooc[/hider] [hider=Relations Sheet] [center][h1][color=Lightblue]Character Name[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/755e7c66c986983a8ac8ab7a17716cdc/tumblr_n4bef0uAzG1siwyt8o8_250.gif[/img] [color=Lightblue]{[/color][i]"Don't bring the heat if you can't take it."[/i][color=Lightblue]}[/color] ⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ Enemies [hr][hr][/center][center] ☯ [color=fff79a][b]Edward Dautrive[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"I stay out of his way he stays out of mine."[/i] To be honest I was kind of intimidated by him. We're not enemies but I wouldn't consider him a friend, I can tell he doesn't take a liking to my pranks, whether on him or someone else, but I'm me and he's him. [hr] ☯ [color=Turquoise][b]Eugine Han[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"Head of Sales who apparently speaks no English... Interesting"[/i] We do t really talk, partly because she's 'learning English', which I think is pretty BS. I'm so going to pull a prank on her... Just don't release these until I get a prank done on her, if she's faking English then it's definitely worth getting yelled at by the Head of Sales. [hr] ☮ [color=92278f][b]Declan Farraday[/b][/color] ☮ [i]"Declan is one of the few people I actually like here."[/i] We both share the love for pranks and jokes, so I don't see why we wouldn't be friends. I'm pretty sure he laughs at my pranks, I know some people do because I hear them, and I'm pretty sure I hear him in the crowd. We talk a lot and overall he's a nice guy. [hr] ♫ [color=00aeef][b]Gwen Westbrook[/b][/color] ♫ [i]"Now [i]this[/i] is someone I get along with!"[/i] We both love pranks and planning hyjinx. She's saved me from getting fired a few times because Aidan practically worships her and I feel I owe her something, I just don't know what. [hr] ☠ [color=f26522][b]Aidan Ferguson[/b][/color] ☠ [i]"Everyone say be friends with your boss... With him, it's [i]impossible![/i]"[/i] He goes out of his way to get me fired because I like to have fun sometimes, therefore, I go out of my way to do the sh*t I want. Two can play at this game. [hr] ☮ [color=39b54a][b]Nana Darling[/b][/color] ☮ [i]"Great with first impressions. *Winks*"[/i] Well to say my first meeting with Nana was painful would be an understatement. She was carrying a big box and while walking accidentally rammed it into my, well... Yeah. She the dropped the box on my toes, and as she bent down to try to move it her forhead hit mine, hard. We had a laugh about it in the end, but... Wow. [hr] ☯ [color=662d91][b]Gerald Fischer[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"Wow."[/i] He's a nice guy and all, but some times he's a little to much. Sure, I'm not a complete realist, but there is a lever that goes from worst-case thinker, to realist, and then to optimist. Gerald destroyed the lever trying to get it to go past optimist. [hr] ☮ [color=00a651][b]Alastair Abbey[/b][/color] ☮ [i]"All around nice guy!"[/i] He's a nice guy with a good view on the world, no he didn't break the lever like Gerald, but he's a little above a realist. He likes my jokes and we get along, but damn he needs a lesson or two from me, the last pun he made was an email sent to the office with a picture of a fish in a birthday hat that said 'it's o-fish-ially my birthday.' I replied with this... https://media.giphy.com/media/l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe/giphy.gif [hr] ☯ [color=f49ac2][b]Temperance Venable[/b][/color] ☯ [i]"I heard she's a new hire. Don't no much about her."[/i] Um... Yeah. [hr] ☮ [color=f7976a][b]Rose Peters[/b][/color] ☮ [i]"Yeah, she's cool."[/i] We both really like writing, and it's cool that I can share my work with someone other than Gwen. Not that I don't like her, but it's good to have an authors view. [hr] ☮ [color=f6989d][b]Emily Kessler[/b][/color] ☮ [i]"She laughs... A lot!"[/i] We're good friends and she laughs a lot, but sometimes she looks at me when she thinks I don't notice... And by sometimes I mean basically every moment she gets. [hr] ☯/§ [color=39b54a][b]Moe Williams[/b][/color] ☯/§ [i]"I don't really like him."[/i] I don't like him, and I make it clear. He judges people as they are his inferiors, and acts like it too. I make it very clear that I don't like him, I don't care what he says. [hr][/center][/hider]