So I actually didn't change as much as I thought I would, but here are my character sheets. They're pretty much the same thing except a few edits here and there. [hider=Rose][center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=ed145b][h2]~General Information~[/h2] [b] Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Rose Louvel [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red [b]Real Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Rose Louvel [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] None [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] A small village near Tortuga [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Affiliation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Chaotic Good: Whenever she can, Rose will without no hesitation help others but she refuses to let anyone control her methods. It's her way or no way at all. If she truly believes in something, there's no point in even attempting to stop her for she will always find a way to do what she thinks is right. [b]Appearance[/b] - Thirteen Years Ago (3 Years Old): [img][/img] [b]Appearance[/b] - Tortuga (16 Years Old): [img][/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World):[/b] (Presently) - Rose wears a red cape at all times because it is the only connection between her birth mother and home before the Queen took over. She typically wears [url=]Pirate clothing[/url] in order to stick in with the crowd [h2]~Relationship Information~[/h2] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Father:[/b] Jacob Louvel, [i]deceased[/i] [b]Mother:[/b] Amnesty Louvel, [i]deceased[/i] [b]Siblings:[/b] Ezra Louvel. [i]deceased[/i] [b]Pet/s: [/b]None [b]Other:[/b] Granny (grandmother), [i]Thought to be deceased[/i] Saidi (caretaker for 5 years), [i]deceased[/i] [hider=Detailed Relationships]Coming Soon...[/hider] [h2]~Personal Information~[/h2] [b]Personality: [/b] Hidden within dark alleys, small corners, forbidden forests, you’ll find one red-cloaked, little girl. Rose Louvel has grown up being alone and isolated from the world and it’s where she’s come to be most comfortable. Without the stress and fear of being within the clutches of the Dark Queen’s powers, she can find peace within her mind to relax. There are very few occasions where Rose is given these short moments of complete isolation but she takes them when she can and as long as she can. Every inch of Rose’s personality is rebellious. Rules and Rose are things that simply do not belong with each other. Growing up within the dark times of the Fairy lands, she’s never known a world full of light and happiness, but it still doesn’t stop her from disobeying the new order established. Rose absolutely hates the Dark Queen and the ruin she has casted upon the land, spreading hatred and poison wherever she spews her magic. Whenever Rose finds the opportunity, she aids all those who have been victimized by the Queen and often causes many outbreaks of accidents to those who support her. Since she lives in Tortuga, a place ruled by Pirates and lost of any authority, doing things like this is quite easy. Rose doesn’t have a place to call home but she likes to think one day, after the Dark Queen is ripped off her throne, she will have one. Curiosity will be the death of Rose. Should even the slightest spark of interest catch her eye, she can’t rest until she figures it out. Not knowing something drives her absolutely insane, keeping her from sleeping or even concentrating. So far, her curiosity has done nothing but get her in avoidable dangers and one day, it’ll get her caught or even killed. Growing up alone and in a city stinking with Pirates, Rose was forced to learn survival skills fairly quickly. The best hiding places, where to snatch food, how to keep going, are all things she’s come to mastered in Tortuga. While it may not appear so to outsiders, she is quite clever and can get herself out of most situations. Rose is also fairly agile, since the majority of her day is spent running. That, combined with small frame, make her chances of escaping and hiding much higher. The only thing Rose has ever known is survival and because of that, she is incredibly brave and courageous. While she does feel fear from time to time, she refuses to let it control her. There’s nothing she’s not willing to go down with for. Risks are about making change and if one wants to make a difference, they must make risks. Rose understands that and will never surrender to anyone or back down from a fight. Rose is also beyond sarcastic, a trait that can both annoy and humour others. Whenever she sees a good joke coming, she can’t help but share it with the world. With all the stench of darkness filling the world, Rose isn’t sure she could make it without a little fun once and awhile. Her humour plus her adventurous spirit always equal a great time. At times, she can even be a little cocky and it can get her in quite the trouble. [b]Strengths:[/b] -With her agile and small build, Rose is extremely fast and can outrun many people as well as maneuver through most places. -From watching various people, Rose has become quite the pickpocketer. She can easily snatch coins from Pirates, especially drunk ones. This is how she manages to stay alive and afford food. -While she isn’t very good at managing a sword, Rose is quite talented with daggers. There are always at least three on her at any time. -Rose is incredibly smart and someone finds a way of risky situations, most of the time in a unique fashion. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Since she’s small, Rose is relatively weak. -She’s also never been the best with fighting people. Sword fighting has never been her strong suit so she always tries to escape from all fights. -Working with others is something Rose is terrible at. She prefers to work on her own. When it comes to conversing with others, she also finds trouble for she has no social skills whatsoever. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Rose possess no magical abilities. [b]Weapons:[/b] Rose owns a silver rapier she snagged from an extremely drunk female pirate but she never carries around with her for it adds extra weight. It’s hidden within a cave on the coast of Tortuga where she occasionally goes to take refuge. She has several daggers though and will never go anywhere without at least three of them. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Rose was born to two villagers who lived in a fairly happy town. She likes to think the first three years of her life were happy and easy but she remembers nothing of her former life before the dark cloud of the Queen’s hatred spread across the world. Their village was pillaged by Pirates and an assortment of cruel villains, showing no mercy as they burned the town. Before she could even say ‘I love you’, both of her parents were ripped away from her and Rose was forced to flee her small town with only a red cape her mother had owned. Rose’s older brother of 13 took her to the only place he knew, his grandmother’s house in the woods. Granny had somehow yet to be touched by the Queen’s evils but the two children cried tears of relief to find an adult to help them. Time was not on their side though for it seemed only a matter of hours before their grandmother’s house was discovered. Knowing there would be no chance of an elder and two children to hide, Granny packed the two’s pouches with food to last them a week as well as a few blankets to keep them warm. An old friend of hers, who owed her a life debt, lived within the city of Tortuga where she hoped for them to be safe. As the woman was about to say goodbye to her beloved grandchildren, a terrifying creature of huge size attacked her home. The wolf had followed the scent of the two children and was in need of a warm meal. Granny sacrificed herself in order for both Rose and her brother to escape and to this day, Rose has no idea what happened of her grandmother or the wolf. By some droplet of luck they still managed to have, the two made it safely to Tortuga where after some difficulty located their grandmother’s friend, Saidi. Rules were simply ignored within the city and keeping two children hidden was easier than most would have believed. Saidi had not been pleased when she found the two of them at her doorstep but if only to honor their grandmother’s deal, she took them in. For five years, she took care of them but not without a price of course. The two worked for her, cleaning, cooking, everything they could to pay for the trouble. When Rose was 8 years old, her brother, then 19, went with Saidi to purchase a few ingredients and items needed for the home. They never returned. Both of their bodies were discovered a week later in a dark alley lying in trash. As to why or how they were killed, Rose was never told. Ever since then, she has been on her own. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Since Rose was born from simple villagers, she wasn’t given the opportunity to go to Earth. [h2]~Other Information~[/h2] [b]Other:[/b] Rose has developed a Pirate’s accent but only uses it around other Pirates for she refers the tongue of her parents, brother, and Granny. [h2]~Theme Song~[/h2] [url=]Rose's theme[/url] [/color] [/center][/hider] [hider=Ariel Banks] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [color=7FFFD4][center][img][/img] [h2]~General Information~[/h2] [b]Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Ariel Banks [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] The Little Mermaid, Princess Under the Sea, Princess of Atlantica [b]Real Name (Fairy Tale World): [/b]Ariel [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Youtuber [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Atlantica [b]Age:[/b] 19 years old [b]Affiliation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Chaotic Good= [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago ( 6 Years Old):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Appearance - Earth (19 Years Old):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Earth (Presently) - Ariel tends to be very fashionable, buying brand clothing and sticking to new trends. She does prefer to put a little flair every now and then. [h2]~Relationship Information~[/h2] [b]Relationship Status: [/b]Single [b]Partner:[/b] None [b]Father: [/b]King Triton [b]Mother:[/b] Queen Athena, deceased [b]Siblings:[/b] Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, and Andrina (sisters) [b]Pet/s:[/b] None [b]Other:[/b] James and Amy Banks (adopted parents) [h2]~Personal Information~[/h2] [b]Personality:[/b] There are few who are as free-spirited and adventurous as Ariel. More than anything, she wants to travel across the world, embrace other cultures, see everything she possibly can. Life is about adventure and while there isn’t such thing as zombies and villains (little does she know), there are many other ways to seek such a life. Being chained down for very long is simply too boring and uncomfortable, resulting in her traveling often. She has a permanent home in both New York City and London of Britain, often staying less than a week’s time at each. But you can find her all over the world. Not only has she been to every state in the US, but she’s visited over twenty countries such as Japan, Canada, Germany, Brazil, Italy, and many more. There’s never a moment of boredom for Ariel otherwise she wouldn’t survive. Ariel possess a very bubbly and fun personality, and has made multiple friends because of it. Combined with her charismatic charm, there’s few people who don’t get along with her. Although she absolutely hates authority. Never try to control Ariel for she’ll lash out and unleash the rebellious girl underneath. She likes to go with the flow, never making schedules or wanting things to be perfect. Staying calm and chill are skills she believes to be important in life. People were born to be free not locked up by schedules and perfection. It just wasn’t worth it. Ariel can even bit relatively sassy and feisty at times when standing up for the things she believes in. When she becomes passionate about something, it’s hard to stop her from going extensive levels to reach that level. Without even thinking of the consequences, she’ll go for it. Being a girl who isn’t afraid to try new things, barely anything scares Ariel anymore. She’s incredibly brave and wild, as well as a girl who will go to extreme amounts to have fun. Life’s not worth it if you aren’t having fun in her mind. No matter the task at hand, she will always try to find some aspect of that is enjoyable. At times, she can be a bit reckless but Ariel always worries about the consequences after she goes with something. Better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. When comes to being professional, Ariel is able to be fairly respectful, especially when it’s someone she highly admires. She is very polite with strangers until you’ve known her for more than minutes which is when she’ll unleash her lovable and bright personality. Some might go to the extent as to call her a ‘hoarder’ because she is extremely materialistic. Whenever she sees something she loves, she just can’t help but collect it. All of her homes are stocked with items she’s found through various trips and events. Ariel even has an entire shed full of things she can’t keep herself from getting rid of. She just tends to get attached to certain objects and refuses to let it go. Sometimes she’ll even bring large bags intending to bring home new things. When it comes to friendships, Ariel is extremely loyal. She takes her friendships very seriously and will do anything for her friends. Since she wasn’t very close to her family, the bonds made through friendship are extremely important to her. [b]Strengths: [/b] -Ariel is good at speaking and getting along with others. She’s incredibly charismatic and could give speeches to a large group of people with ease. -She is good with technology and filming, seeing as she runs her own channel. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Sometimes Ariel tends to overreact when the people she cares about are put down or made fun, often going to big extremes to make things right. -She absolutely hates rules that force her to do something and will often times refuse to do things. -Ariel has a hard time saying no to doing things for others, such as buying things, etc. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] [i]Only within the Fairy Tale world does she posses these magical abilities. [/i] -Atlantean Strength: While in her mermaid form, Ariel has a large amount of strength. For example, she’s able to move underwater boulders with ease, effortlessly pull someone through the water, even knock down a door with just her arms. -Atlantean Endurance: Ariel has a large amount of endurance within her mermaid form, able to swim for long periods of time and even swim through a strong whirlpool and survive. Underwater Breathing: Since she’s a mermaid, Ariel is able to breathe underwater but can only do this in her mermaid form. -Speed Swimming: Ariel is able to swim much faster than any human and some marine creatures swimming underwater. -Aquapathy: She is able to communicate with all aquatic animals both in and out of her human form. (Only works in Fairy Tale world) -Thermoendurance: Ariel is able to withstand temperature more extreme than that of a human. For example, swimming within the Arctic would only result in being slightly cold rather than freezing to death. -Magical Voice: Whenever Ariel begins to sing, her voice can possess various magical qualities. It can be used for mine control, able to brainwash people into doing things she wishes them. (This is similar to a Greek Siren). When her emotions are high enough, she is even able to conjure underwater storms from her voice as well as well as break curses placed on people. [b]Weapons:[/b] Ariel carries no weapons as she has no reason to but she did take part in a week training session on self defense when she was 16. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Born as the youngest daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena, Ariel’s childhood was full of happiness and cheer. There was never a moment where she didn’t have a smile on her face or wasn’t singing. The happiness didn’t last forever. A wave of sadness spread across the once shining kingdom under the sea after the death of Queen Athena. The king was drove into a state of depression, banning all music and even the simplest tap or beat could result in prison. Adjusting to a once music based kingdom now turned silent was rather difficult for Ariel, who never really adjusted. While she loved her father deeply, she began to resent his ruling and the pain he was bringing to the kingdom. When news of the Dark Queen’s evil on its way, King Triton made plans to send all of his children to the world of Earth and despite the kingdom’s best efforts, only Ariel made it out. Since mermaids were nonexistent on Earth, he cast a spell upon Ariel who remain wear human legs until her feet touched the the Atlantica waters again as well as erased her memories. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Found washed up on the coast of Argentina by a British couple touring the area, Ariel was raised by relatively strict parents. They gladly accepted Ariel after they had just recently found out they were unable to produce children. James and Amy Banks were were within the upper middle class and expected nothing but the best from Ariel. Good grades, well rounded, well behaved. Ariel absolutely despised rules and as such, never got along with them. They did care for her and provide things she absolutely needed, something she will always be grateful for. But Ariel found she never fit in. In order to escape the strict reality which she had found herself, Ariel surrounded herself with literature and stories full of heroes and magical powers. She loved the idea of adventure and visiting new places. Thankfully, her parents adored traveling the world and Ariel was able to experience many different cultures as she grew up. For some reason, she absolutely loved visiting beaches and playing within the Ocean waters. Some of her friends liked to joke she was born in the water. At the age of fifteen, Ariel made the decision to create her own Youtube channel. She had gained inspiration after watching Tyler Oakley, Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil, and many others share their stories within the platform. From the very instant she saw their videos, she knew that was what she wanted to do. At first, she borrowed cameras from her school’s library and just recorded herself talking about her goals or just random things for fun. She also spent time advocating freedom and listing ideas of silly adventures. Ariel never thought it would take off into a career but three years later, she suddenly had over five million subscribers and was one of the most popular vloggers on Youtube. People began to recognize her on the streets, taking pictures of her, email her for collabs, the results were almost too real to believe. Ariel graduated high school and against her adopted family's wishes, she didn’t prepare for college. Instead, she packed her bags and moved to New York City. Since then, she earned her US citizenship and bought an apartment within the city, and continued making videos of her life as well as traveling around the world. Ariel absolutely loves her life and couldn’t see it any other way. [h2]~Other Information~[/h2] [b]Other:[/b] Since she grew up in London, Ariel has a British accent. [h2]~Theme Song~[/h2] [url=]Ariel's Theme[/url][/center][/color][/hider] [hider=Jack Frost] [center][color=56A5EC][img][/img] [img][/img] [h2]~General Information~[/h2] [b]Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Jack Frost. [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Father Frost, Guardian of Fun, Nightlight, Old Man Winter. [b]Real Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Jackson Overland Frost. [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Guardian/ Unemployed. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Russia. [b]Age:[/b] 421. [b]Affiliation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Chaotic Good. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (Looking around 16-19 Years Old):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Appearance - Earth (Looks 29-31 Years Old):[/b] [img][/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Fairy Tale World/Earth):[/b] [i](Presently)[/i] - Before Jack went to Earth, he wore a simple, blue hoodie with brown pants and walked around barefoot. Comfort is extremely valued over fashion and Jack was never one for staying with the trends. On Earth, he’s found his clothes to be acceptable so he stuck with the same wardrobe. However, shoes are an important part of the culture on Earth and so, he’s bought a bare of tennis shoes. [h2]~Relationship Information~[/h2] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Partner: [/b]None. [b]Father:[/b] Unknown. [b]Mother:[/b] Unknown. [b]Siblings:[/b] Flee ([i]deceased[/i]). [b]Pet/s:[/b] None. [b]Other:[/b] None. [hider=Detailed Relationships]Coming Soon..[/hider] [h2]~Personal Information~[/h2] [b]Personality: [/b] Despite his age, there are few as playful as Jack. There’s never a moment you won’t find him pulling pranks or cackling with laughter. People leaving Jack’s presence will only feel two emotions- completely annoyed to no end or smiling with pure happiness. He loves making others happy, although his mischievous self does tend to put him in quite the trouble. Not just everyone can handle the explosion of Jack Frost at first. Those who do hate him tend to warm up as times goes along, although there still are a few who absolutely detest him. Jack doesn’t mind though; he simply goes with the flow. It’s almost impossible to make him cry or be sad for he always looks on the positive side of things. Whenever you do find Jack upset, something truly bad is probably happening… (or he is simply pulling another prank on you!) Rules are meant to be broken, as Jack would say. There’s no fun in following orders. Jack would much rather spend his time exploring or spreading the joy of winter. He lives by his rules and no one else’s. The other guardians sometimes even question how he was made one of them. Jack simply believes that people should live by their own standards of rules and decide their own fate, instead of letting the world chain you to the floor and create the path for your own future. He also strongly disagrees with the idea of fate. No one can decide their future except their own self. Jack does however understand the importance of the children staying on Earth and as such, listens to the most necessary rules, but still shows a bit of defiance here and there. Jack is incredibly determined. Once he makes a goal, he will stick with it until the very end. Giving up never gets you anywhere. Jack has a difficult time working with others, as the majority of his life was spent alone. He feels comfortable doing things alone and having others tag along feels uncomfortable and foreign. Of course Jack will try his utmost best to make things work. Somehow, he finds a way but things can be quite awkward when there’s some group project. On Earth, the majority of his time is spent away from the other guardians and more on his own. Sometimes Jack possess an incredibly low self-esteem. Much of his time is spent alone and he often experiences doubt in his ability as a leader, especially a guardian. He only knows how to be fun and taking care of royal children can seem like a struggle at times. Putting faith in others is fine but believing in himself is where problems begin to spark. Sometimes he likes to take long walks, alone, to simply think about himself, the world, and where he stands in it. Few people are aware of this side though for he’d rather freeze to death than let another person see it. He can be quite secretive if he wishes to be. While his behavior might suggest otherwise, Jack has gained a wide variety of knowledge and is incredibly wise. He’s lived over hundreds of years and has seen things many people would never imagine witnessing. People from all over the Fairy Tale lands have come for his advice, if they can stand his big personality and find him in the first place that is. Jack simply listens to what people have to say as most of the time, people only need an ear to hear their troubles. All of his advice is given from past experiences he’s seen, usually told through stories. [b]Strengths: [/b] -Jack is an excellent fighter, using Parkour and Kendo as well as martial arts to create his own fighting style. From years of practice, Jack has developed perfect timing and skills, enabling him to dodge enemy attacks and instantly respond by calculating his body and staff movements to be able to deliver is hown attacks. He also pays close attention to his enemy’s movements. -Listening is key for Jack’s advice and he can be quite the listener [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Very childish, Jack sometimes doesn’t take things serious enough. If the issue doesn’t seem pressing enough, he tends to slack off and goes his own way. -Working with others is something Jack has no experience in. He’s quite awkward and much prefers to work solo. [b] Magic Capabilities:[/b] A Spirit of winter, Jack holds the power to manipulate frost, snow, and ice. Over the many years of his life, he’s come to learn how to send energy bursts of ice toward approaching enemies as well as freeze objects completely over. Not only that but Jack is able to create images from frosted windows, freeze water as he steps on it, and conjure indoor snowfall. Cold weather also has no affect on him. Most of his magic is done through his staff but the source of Jack’s magic is within him. Flying is even possible through Jack’s winter magic. He floats like one of his snowflakes and uses the wind to fly through the sky, propelling himself in order to go faster. Jack was also made the guardian of fun for he has the power to bewitch others with feelings of fun and happiness with the mere touch of his snowball or snowflake. Leaves are also at Jack’s command for he can control the leaves of any tree or plant (except Mandrake) to do almost anything at this command. He can use them to keep watch, change color, fly, and even return to their own tree. They communicate through a unique language and the leaves treat Jack as though he was a leave himself and their king. Jack is able to manipulate his physical age, changing into any age he chooses to be. This is what enables him to be ageless. None of these abilities work on Earth, however. [b]Weapons:[/b] The only weapon Jack wields is a magic staff called Twinetender, coming from a willow tree that lived on ancient burial grounds of Mohican Indians. To the Mohicans, the trees were known as Warriors Willow for its branches formed the strongest and flexible staffs and bows. They believed each limb of the tree to have the spirit of warrior, able to help any who wielded it only if that individual were brave and contained a true heart. To Jack, Twinetender is his friend and protector. It’s able to alert him of danger and hone it gifts to speak to the wind and learn the language of the leaves. While on Earth, twinetender is a little keychain he carries with him wherever he goes. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Before Jack became the Guardian of Fun, he was a simple boy residing in a small town in Russia. In this form, he was the still rebellious and fun boy he is today but he possessed none of his powerful magical abilities. His childhood was happy and warm, caring parents and an adorable, little sister. Life was good, as it should be. Of course, all good stories eventually must come to an end. One typical afternoon, Jack took his sister, Flee, ice skating on a frozen lake near their cozy home. The ice began to slightly crack near Flee, who completely froze in fear of falling into the cold depths of the water. Jack created a game of Hopscotch and used his staff to rescue his little sister, but at the cost of his own life. The Man in the Moon saw Jack’s sacrifice as an act of heroism and transformed him into a Winter spirit, giving birth to Jack Frost. All of his memories were wiped away and he was able to start new adventures around the Fairy Tale world an immortal being (although he can be killed, he just won’t age). Life was relatively easy for Jack. He wondered around the world spreading mischief and happiness as he went. There was never a dull moment with Jack around. No rules, no obligations, just fun and enjoyment. It wasn’t long before Jack had visited most parts of the Fairy Tale world, creating a reputation of both spreading disaster wherever he went and making even the most angry of people smile. Thirteen years ago, Jack was to be made a guardian of fun by the Man in the Moon but the dark queen’s evil rising quickly changes plans for Jack’s future. Instead, he was made a guardian to watch over the children on Earth. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] Adjusting to a world without his winter magic or aging abilities was rather difficult for Jack, although he would never admit it. He could never settle in, instead Jack traveled around the world, mainly staying in the US. Working at jobs only when necessary, Jack has worked almost everywhere. From McDonalds to the circus, he’s practically done it all, waiting until the day he could return home. [h2]~Other Information~[/h2] [b]Other:[/b] Jack has a rather fond obsession over the human candy and can often be found storing lots of candies in his bags. They’re just so tasty!! [h2]~Theme Song~[/h2] [h2]~Theme Song~[/h2] [url=]Jack’s Theme[/url]. [/color] [/center] [/hider]