[center][h2]Mako Kurohiko, Exiled Warrior|Crocus City Park[/h2][/center] [center][@Caits][@GamerXZ][/center] Mako put his left fist into the palm of his right hand and bowed, standing straight again after a couple of seconds. [color=DarkOrange]"I am Mako Kurohiko, from the country of Isvan."[/color] He waits until Alan introduces himself and Aura before continuing. [color=DarkOrange]"Five years ago, I was charged with escorting a diplomat from my country to your own, a duty that should have been easy enough. However, ten miles past the border between our two countries, we were set upon by bandits in an incredibly coordinated ambush. It resulted in the deaths of both the diplomat and his honor guard and wounds to myself. The bandit I'm searching for is the leader, a man with a metal stump that bore a cutlass blade when I last saw him and an eye patch over his right eye. He also had a rather distinctive scar down his back, in the shape of a lion's paw and was large from the amount of muscle on his body. I am hoping that you might have information on this man and his location."[/color]