[quote=@Lunarlors34] [hider=My Hider] [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]Ethel Storm[/color], [color=440e62]Jessica Albert[/color] and [color=00aeef]Manami Fuyu[/color][/h1][/center] [@Joshua Tamashii][@Infichi] Ethel frowned as Amelia stood in their path with Undine. Why was this little girl protecting the scary water lady? It's not like Ethel wanted to hurt her...just that if they had her, then they could convince her sister to back down. Her frown deepened as Verrick mentioned bringing out the chu. [color=bc8dbf]"Ethel doesn't have Chu. Jess does."[/color] Ethel pointed over to where the staredown was commencing, the Chu proudly sitting atop the young ice mage's head. It looked rather comfortable up there and seemed to be giving every pitiful looks. [color=bc8dbf]"Ethel doesn't have to explain business with strangers. Capture scary lady water, then Ethel's sister will have no choice but to back down. She won't back down otherwise."[/color] Perhaps Sora would've been a better pick for the negotiations here as Ethel was quite blunt here, rude even. But with her sister right there, and a chance to finally pin her down she wasn't about to let Amelia stand in her way. The mention of 'sister' would've probably grabbed Amelia's attention and if she looked closely enough she would find the similarities between her and Shiro. Different hair color, due to reasons relating to Shiro's past, and slightly different shades of red eyes but besides that very similar. Now Ethel's skin seemed to have a metallic sheen to it as she took a stance, ready to fight Amelia if she had to. She didn't come this far looking for her family to give up on one so easily. If these people captured her sister, then they would most likely hand her over to the Rune Knights....and Ethel couldn't afford that. [color=bc8dbf]"Ethel will take back sister. No one will stand in Ethel's w-."[/color] Ethel didn't finish before she took a concentrated stream of darkness straight to the gut. The impact sent the young mage flying backwards before tumbling along the ground, recovering in time to stop herself from smacking into a building. [color=440e62]"Lady Manami, I apologise for my lateness. However as Lady Shiro instructed, I have to come assist. The others will be here shortly. You and Lady Shiro get out of here."[/color] A young woman dressed in a pitch black dress now dropped in in front of Manami, levelling the sword in her hand towards Amelia and Verrick. The bright pink mark in the middle of her chest was identical to the dark blue one on Manami's thigh and the white one on Shiro's eye, along with the words she now said made it pretty obvious she was a member of the same guild as the two female mages and Nidhogg. Manami was now slowly pushing herself off of the ground, one hand still clutching her head. Her healing magic wasn't putting a dent in this pain which kept coming, and she seemed quite disorientated now as she began half crawling, half dragging herself over to where Shiro was having her little stand off. Jessica was right, she and Shiro had to get out of here....or else they faced Maxie's wrath if they were captured.[/hider] [/quote] [quote=@Zarkun][hider=My Hider] [center][h2]James Hunt|Crocus City Park[/h2][/center] [center][@Lunarlors34][@Joshua Tamashii][@Infichi][/center] James looked at the two girls and nodded. [color=SteelBlue]"I will leave you two to her then. I must check on her fr-"[/color] He turned in time to watch another new comer blast one of the three newly arrived girls in the gut and draw a sword. This was quickly becoming stupidly complicated. Still he wasted no time letting the darkness magic wielder know he was there, blasting her with a Holy Smite that hit her in the head with a hammer like projection before crossing swords with her. [color=SteelBlue]"You know, it's considered rude to interfere with family relations?"[/color] He pushed her back and cast a Divine Protection on all the people he had an idea he could trust and those he knew he could trust, namely Cody and Amelia. He also tried casting it on Amaya and Joshua underground, though he was uncertain if it worked. From there, he charged his sword with his magic and returned to keeping Jessica busy. [/hider] [/quote] Verick stood there for a moment as he watched Ethel get knocked down and luckily, for some reason, he was ignored… [color=00746b]“Well then.”[/color] He rubbed the back of his head as he noticed the world sort of just.. fall to pieces around him. [color=00746b]“Looks like i’m fairly safe...” [/color]His eyes wandered around the battlefield, there was a lot of combat going around and he still had been left alone… as though he didn’t even exist.[color=00746b] “Perhaps it’s just my luck.”[/color] He rubbed his chin and walked over towards the kid. [color=00746b]“Hey Ethel.” [/color]He looked her over, she seemed… relatively alright nothing he could really help with anyway. [color=00746b]“I don’t think we’re going to be doing anything too helpful if you keep acting all… blunt. You gotta have class and tact with these sort of things kid. You gotta tell her that she’s got a flat chest and stuff, you know, push her buttons! That’s how you keep her distracted. You can’t tell her the plan right off the bat.”[/color] He shook his head at the kid. [color=00746b]“Anyways… You seem ok, you ok?”[/color]