[h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Rhys' Clinic] [/b] [@Light Lord][@Shiny Keldeo] The Totodile's recollection of the events caused the Chimecho to cry out, [color=f9edad]"W-What!? O-Oh dear, oh my that is not... not good. Electrical burns, what do I have for those..."[/color] While muttering to himself, Rhys disappeared from the room. Making her way into the room, Lilisette sat down on Devon's bed, making herself rather comfortable. [color=29afdd]"I guess you did get messed up pretty badly after all. You know, you're lucky... no really WE'RE lucky Selena was there. Seriously, that was amazing. Can't say my attack skills are all that great."[/color] Looking over to the two mid-stage Pokémon, Lilisette smiled, [color=29afdd]"Devon's probably gonna be here for a while. So uhh... man I'm really bad at conversation when it matters. So... uh..."[/color] With wide eyes, she then cried out, [color=29afdd]"[i]Shit![/i] The dance show's going to end soon! I need to ... oh man, I need to leave soon."[/color] [h3][color=fca05a]Robel the Heliolisk[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Outside Rhys' Clinic] [/b] [@Light Lord] Looking over at the downcast Flygon, Robel let out a soft grunt, [color=fca05a]"That's certainly not your fault. If... Deeku's remains are anything to go by, there's something... greater at work here."[/color] Taking a glance back at the Clinic, Robel raised a brow, [color=fca05a]"Devon...? I'm surprised there's a Totodile this deep in the desert, but I suppose I've heard of stranger things."[/color] Contemplating for a moment, he'd continue speaking, [color=fca05a]"Well, if it's assistance he needs, it's certainly something I can provide once I regain my strength."[/color]