[@Kafka Komedy] Sup, bruh. I believe, as far as JJBA goes, that we could assume/state the following about vampires, Stands, and the like: [list] [*]The Stone Mask probably exists in this universe, since that's the primary reason vampires exist at all. Dio might exist, but would be long-dead by 2016, or indeed by 1999 when Milo would have to be born. [*]The only other way to become a vampire is to die and be revived by the vampire supplying some of its own blood. Being drained of life (and/or having your blood replaced with... "vampire extract", though they may just be the same technique, or the vampire extract infection might be an extension of the blood/life draining process) by a vampire turns you into a "mere" zombie, whilst the child of a vampire is always human, at least when only one parent is a vampire (no known cases of double-vampire parentage). [*]Your Stand is insanely weak, considering that Stand users can see other Stands anyway, and figuring out who owns what Stand typically isn't hard either. [*]Vampires who knew the Ripple in their past life die if they try to use the Ripple as a vampire, as shown with Straizo. They may in fact be less powerful for it to boot, something not necessarily compensated for by knowing how to deal with the Ripple-infused attacks of others. [*]Nick will consider Milo an enemy regardless of Milo's personality. Vampires tend to become rather evil for various reasons, not least of which is the loss of their "humanity", which I can only assume means the empathy they'd otherwise feel with human beings; there's no reason to assume Milo would be any different in that case, even if he is. [*]No, really, that's the sort of Stand Speedwagon would have if they'd existed at the time of Phantom Blood or Battle Tendency, and I highly recommend having it do more from the get-go than what you've given it. I'm not sure what I'd suggest as an ability which could do that, is the problem... [/list]