[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/77ZNPuV.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][h1]Random Alley[/h1][/center] Ack! The voices lady was in great distress, which was in turn causing Aliron to be in distress. [color=mediumorchid]"No, no, no voices lady, you got me all wrong. I just wanted to see where the voices were coming from."[/color] Aliron explained while backing away, hands up to show he had no intent to harm. Which was perhaps more clearly shown when he stumbled over his suitcase and crashed to the ground. Aliron rubbed his head and looked up from where he was on the ground. [color=mediumorchid]"Oops. Er, see? I'm harmless, please don't run away again."[/color] he said with a cheery grin. It was weird though. Her voice was different from the voices and he'd only heard her talk in his head not with her mouth. Plus the voices sounded agitated and she just sounded scared and like she might hit him with her instrument thingy. He just wanted to figure out why things were so wierd. [@rivaan]