[@Kafka Komedy] Hey and welcome. Your character is looking good as far as it goes with Vampirism and your background information. However, your Stand might be even less powerful than Hermit Purple and therefore I'd allow you perhaps a physical trait or a minor power other than "discerning Stands and who's their user", as it is quite easy to find that out when you are Stand user anyway (with very few exceptions). As for Vampirism itself, there has been an issue back in 1985[hider=SPOILER] with vampires and ghouls (which surviving vampires should be familiar of) in Angel Springs and that there had been a battle with a Hammon user that fought bravely but in the end suffered a fatal blow by the leading vampire. Those that survived that incident (hardly five "people", if at all) know that there was a massive explosion that wiped Angel Springs completely and was even capable of burning vampires to ashes.[/hider] As for plot (no hooters involved), I will toss in something soon. Hope you'll enjoy it :3