Name: Kero. Gender: Male Age: 22 Personality: A double edged blade, he can act super nice and be very friendly to keep up Apperance, then however he can turn on someone to backstab them if he believes they have found out his secret or get too close to doing so. Appearance: tall man with green eyes a and somewhat of a thin yet muscular built. He have several scars on his body from many adventures some from Pokémon he have hunted in the past. He have dark purple hair that often change style. Height: 187 History: A somewhat of a Pokémon hunter from another region who poses as a traveling performer and climber. He have been hunting down Pokemon for a very long time for money, and enjoys it quite much. In the past he worked for a local gang in the region he was from, but he didn't quite enjoy the thought of trying to take over regions and stuff, yet he still liked the cash he could get from hunting pokémon and by getting in contact with the hunters he became a pokémon hunter himself. Preferred Starter: Eevee. Team: Name - Desire for Hire. -Sin the Eevee: Male, adaptability. Quick attack, dig, shadow ball, hidden power. Bag items: 30M rope. Climbing shoes. Pokémon capturing devices, (not balls) Called Pokemon: Flareon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Espeon, Sylveon. Eevee.