[center][h3][color=9000f9]Trinity Stratos[/color][/h3][/center] [color=9000f9]"The best hands to be in are ones that care. You don't need her, c'mon, Karn."[/color] Trinity let her hand slide from Karns' shoulder and pluck his hand, before pulling them away. She led them to a door and through, to stairs down, going from a the hallway below the bridge to the cabin deck underneath that. The mess and kitchen were also on this level. [color=9000f9]"You wanted to look at an airship, right? You seemed interested. So let's go look at an airship."[/color] With a quick glance behind them to see if the woman was following them, Trinity would take them to the engine room on the bottom deck. And lock the door, just to be sure. The door had a two-bolt system with a large wheel in the center. [color=9000f9]"[i]Someone[/i] destroyed the stabilizers, but it seems like the propulsion might be intact?"[/color] The propulsion system was magic-centric, but the stabilizers were once primarily mechanical. Each contained a the remains of a large gyroscope, seemingly independent of the (mostly broken) oars on the outside of the ship. Magic circles were inscribed on what were once gyroscope rings, as well as parts of the machine. Strange, dark lines were built into the floor, coming from a circle around each stabilizer, leading back to the propulsion system. The lines were continuous onto the propulsion system, which were two large cylindrical pods on the back wall, connected by a box which extends to become part of the floor. [color=9000f9]"I wonder if I could get this thing to turn on...?"[/color]