[@TheWindel] Your character is accepted, you can move her over. [@LokiLeo789] Badministrator <3 My favourite one is the Zed one, all the edge! If only he would still do stuff :C Okay, I gotta ask, just to make sure. English not being my first language, is he literally a mute or is it just a figure of speech? I always look forward seeing how such characters express themselves! Now, personality, mute or not, and history look good to me. It becomes apparent enough you put enough thought into that that anything I could even come up would just be nitpicking. For his runemagic, there are two things I have to clear up: 1. Is there some sort of cooldown or something when he changes from one form to another? I mean, could he easily go monkey into blind-spot into bear into a fatal strike, rinse-and-repeat? I'm not saying not having a "period of waiting time switching between forms" would be broken or anything, I just want to clear it up. Also, while I am at it, just to make sure, can he channel multiple stances at once? 2. I think we're both clear on this, but I still gotta bring it up. His Turtle Power is by no means makes him outright [i]invincible[/i] for a limited number of hits against anything. There are no problems with his seed either. [hr] I get to the other two, and KoL, in a bit, shops close at 8 PM where I live so I gotta go now or else I'll be too hungry to do anything this evening ^~^