[img] http://i.imgur.com/Xlvp0Y4.jpg[/img] [img] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iorP7P6-M4Q/UFfRFGql-bI/AAAAAAAAFx4/MKO0RDkEYzw/s640/mew.png[/img] As he was relaxing in the dark on one of the rooftops. Ben noticed some people appearing on one of the closer buildings. Seeing that he carefully approached the place to see some people that looked like the ones from the Diner, but they looked different, a lot like the champions from League of Legends. He saw Ahri and after some time the othrr girl appeared just like Vi. Seeing them made Ben sure what was going on. Seeing Aurelion Sol didnt even supRyze him. Slowly getting closer and closer the others could see him. He was trying not to scare anyone, he knew he was pretty much the most terrifying thing tonight. As he approached them Ben spoke with his voice held back: [b][color=39b54a]"Hello people"[/color][/b] after a short pause he continued. [b][color=39b54a]"I see that we are all transformed into champions...[/color][/b] Ben retracted his claws as he spoke and moved closer to Ahri and Aurelion. [b][color=39b54a]"Now, I know its not the best time to appear with my looks, but i just cant help it. This night started off with so much potential![/color][/b] Stopping at a reasonable distance Ben quickly observed the three champ. Seeing that most of them is pretty calm or they might even know each other made Ben a bit more cautious about their reaction.