Nora had a slight smile on her face as she observed the Doctor interacting with Ted, and it was when a woman close to them spoke up that she finally looked away. She had noticed the woman wandering about the shelter and talking to people before writing down on her clipboard. Nora supposed she had been taking everyone's name and doing the headcount that Ted had mentioned earlier, since she asked for their names, and her gaze was flickering between Nora and the Doctor. The Doctor was the one who spoke up, introducing herself then Nora. Nora noticed the pride in her tone when she announced that she was her friend and it struck her as a little odd. But what else did she expect from the Doctor? Nora gave the other woman a curious sort of look before looked back up at the woman with the clipboard and gently waved with her fingers. "Hi. Nora Clarke." The woman didn't seem to notice, she just jotted the names down before moving along. She had a job to do, after all, and when she was gone Nora looked back to the Doctor and Ted. "Was that the headcount?" she asked the boy, "Can we see that garden now?"