[center] [hider=Lucy] [h3][color=#A9A9A9][b]Lucile 'Lucy' Geroux[/b][/color][/h3] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1154/26d95232739d29fe309a1ff6b3f4eda8bf585564.jpg?1202594[/img] [h3][color=#A9A9A9][center]"Hmm~ hold on...you have some food on your mouth. Lemme get that~"[/center][/color][/h3] [center](she then proceeds to lick said crumbs off your face)[/center] [color=#A9A9A9][b]Name:[/b][/color] Lucile 'Lucy' Geroux [color=#A9A9A9][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=#A9A9A9][b]Personality:[/b][/color] To say Lucile Geroux is a bit of an eccentric is an understatement. While at first, she'll likely come off as a somewhat mature girl since she speaks with at least some formality and decorum, anyone who spends any length of time around her will quickly find she is, in fact, not. While she's not unfriendly, she's definitely not overly so either. In fact, if one had to sum of the eighteen year old's personality, it could easily be described as thus: A teasing, somewhat promiscuous, demanding, pleasure seeker who does things solely for her own pleasure or interest. She'll not hesitate to make fun of someone for small giggles at the expense of their own emotional health or tease someone simply for the sake of teasing them. It should be noted, she's also not going to go out of her way to help a random trainer either. She probably won't even help someone she knows, unless she can get her 'fun' out of it. Calm and collected as well, its rare to see her flustered in some manner. (some might just call this being completely shameless). And if someone truly ever gets upset at her shenanigans, if they seriously tell her to stop she likely will. Of course, they should make sure to be 100% serious about it otherwise she'll simply believe them to be playing along. That said, she loves her pokemon and they seem to be just about the only ones she consistently will help without a second thought. If someone does anything to them, they gonna have a bad time. [color=#A9A9A9][b]History:[/b][/color] Not much to say here, aside from she's your average Kalosian girl. Her parents weren't anything special, and she doesn't come from money or prestige. Not that she particularly cares or finds it to be much of a trait of character. Success and prestige comes not from ones family, but how they live their life. She grew up in Laverre city, becoming interested in pokemon from quite a young age, preferring those of the dark and ghost typing. Most of the time, she spent her life growing up playing around in the swamps of route fourteen until her parents moved to the Fordis region, specifically Solstice Town. She didn't particularly have any special attachment to the place, indeed she saw it as a fun adventure. As such, she adjusted to the move quite easily and she's had a fairly easy and decent life growing up. Though, due to her somewhat promiscuous and troublesome personality, she's gotten into no end of mischief and trouble in the name of her entertainment. [color=#A9A9A9][b]Preferred Starter:[/b][/color] Purrloin [color=#A9A9A9][b]Pokemon Team: [/b][/color] Name - Level - Gender - Ability - Moveset [color=#A9A9A9][b]Bag items:[/b][/color] [hider=items] Items: pokeball x3 [/hider] [hider=medicine] Medicine: Potion x2 [/hider] [hider=berries] Berries: Pecha Berry x3 [/hider] [hider=TMs] TMs: N/A [/hider] [hider=Key Items] Key Items: N/A [/hider] [hider=every good trainer needs a theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vQYLRAU1-k[/youtube][/hider] [/hider] [/center] [center] [hider=Lynnette] [img]http://safebooru.org//images/1660/9883f38149808d8bb40f26939362fccff08c7036.png?1739141[/img] [h3][color=8882be]"Eeeeh?~ Me? Now, why would I tell you about me? *Giggles* You [i]idiot~[/i] We're not friends and I could care less, so how about you and your pokemon do the world a favor and die?"[/color][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Lynnette Crawford [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Personality:[/b] To say Lynnette is troublesome is...an understatement. The perfect word to describe her is simply, a brat. She doesn't take much interest in other people, and tends to spend time more or less alone unless its to purposefully antagonize others. Scathing and catty in her mannerisms, she's not a pleasant person to hang around at all. Indeed, she seems to go out of her way to purposefully make herself out to be a bad guy or villain. Whatever the reason, seems to be only known to her and possibly a few other people. That said, if one just so happens to get past her snark, purposefully antagonistic remarks and general dislike of people she deems to be 'goody two shoes', or otherwise folks attempting to get close to her, they may just find her able to have a conversation easily enough with them. Granted, she always speaks somewhat cryptically when not insulting others so finding the truth behind her words is always difficult. She gives no truths or answers when she's speaks or is asked a question. Indeed, it seems she's actually quite intelligent and she has a fascination with ghosts, spirits, and other things in general relating to the afterlife. Perhaps, if one were to get close enough to be someone she tentatively calls a friend, then they will see softer side of her and figure out where this fascination with such things comes from. Such a thing would be difficult to do, unfortunately, and wouldn't be something done in a day. As of now, she seems to have very few redeeming qualities about her. Though, on very rare occasions, she's show to have some redeeming qualities. [b]History:[/b] Originally hailing from Nimbasa City, Unova, Lynnette has a somewhat...normal life growing up. Her parents were fairly average, middle class folks. A loving family, really, with her parents doing the best they could to support her. That said, there's always been a bit of rift between them and her. It was nothing as flashy as her actively disliking them, but there has always been a silent strain between the parents and their child. For whatever reason, Lynnette simply felt she was being smothered at home, unable to do what she wanted. Whether that was actually true or not, is something that is mostly lost to history. Lynnette spent a lot of time growing up in the Desert. More Specifically, Relic castle. As a kid growing up, she never really was all that sociable. She preferred to study the ancient ruins there and the company of the pokemon that lived there. Indeed, most often she was found there doing all manner of things. School work, socializing with pokemon and occasionally helping tourists that possibly had gotten lost in there. Having explored it extensively, she knew almost every nook and cranny there. It was during one such excursion she met a boy. At first, she took almost zero interest in him. In fact, he was interrupting her, so she more or less told him to get lost on numerous occasions. Well, at least until he seemed to make a point of visiting the ruins. And eventually, after some time, she invited this kid to hang out with her. Honestly, he was the closest thing to a friend she had ever had. And she went and blew it. Around the age of fourteen, there was an accident. She tripped, getting careless in her exploration and fell into a sand trap. She doesn't really go into detail about what happened, even to her parents or the doctors they rushed her to upon her return. She was fine. She survived, and that's all that mattered. If they couldn't accept such a fact then well, she had little she wanted to do with them. She didn't need the protection of her parents, besides. She made a new friend there. A friendly little Yamask that may or may not have been the sole reason of her surviving mostly unharmed. After this incident her personality seemed to change drastically. Instead of the quiet, studious girl she become more outgoing, but not entirely in the good way. Often, she spoke as to purposefully confuse people. Behaving in purposefully confusing manners and often times answering questions about what happened with riddles, half truths, and perhaps even the odd soliloquy or two. In the end, it pushed her friend away, and he moved shortly afterwards. Her life continued in a similar manner from here. Often times, she simply walked out of her front door and left her home. For days sometimes, much to the horrified dismay of her parents. The longest she left currently? A two way ticket to the Johto region by ferry. How did she get her mitts on it? Well, ghost pokemon tend to be good at stealing things. Eventually her parents found her, and she returned. Now? her parents are at their wits end with what to do with their daughter. They've tried everything. History is repeating itself, and she's brought herself a one way ticket to the Fordis region with no intention of ever returning to Unova. [b]Preferred Starter:[/b] Shuppet [hider=pokemon] Name - Level - Gender - Ability - Moveset [/hider] [hider=Bag] [hider=Items][/hider] [hider=Medicine] potion x3[/hider] [hider=Berries][/hider] [hider=TMs][/hider] [hider=Key Items][/hider] [/hider] [hider=You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?~][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkVE3GqMU5U[/youtube][/hider] [/hider] [/center] [@AbysmalDemon] Gotta be honest, a little iffy on including fakemon...but eh, we'll see how it goes. And since I'm assuming Lynette can't already have that Yamask that's been following her around, I'm gonna change her starter pokemon as well. Would it be alright if she captured that Yamask later?