"Who says we can't stay and enjoy a drink before sauntering back to the Tawdy?" Shay asked with a smile, unhurriedly taking a sip from his own glass. It basically tasted like what he imagined liquid wealth would be. It was such a strange window into a world he'd never be a part of, and while he couldn't say he exactly was comfortable with it, it was a more comfortable existence than the one he led. A part of him resented the patrons of this place, with their wealth, furs, and no concept of what the normal person endured on a daily basis. These people did not know hardship, and they leeched off of the labours of the poor to keep themselves fat and ignorant. Still, the music was pleasant and the immediate company was fantastic. He couldn't ask for more. "Besides, it might look somewhat suspicious if we up and left so shortly after speaking to our... clients. Nothing in this place is hurried, and if anyone's been paying us any mind, they'd know we only arrived but a few minutes ago." Shay said, looking to the dance floor. Suddenly, he asked, "Vera, were you ever a dancer? I never quite learned the steps, but I meant to learn one day. They look like they're having a spot of fun, don't they?"