Aria listened to the Twi'lek's tale, remaining largely quiet and keeping her expression stoic. She couldn't give away any of her thoughts on the matter by her facial expression, they would draw upon that and use it to their advantage. From his recount alone it sounded like any one of them could have been guilty. The humans had planned to stiff the alien out of pay, perhaps dump him here on this Sith-occupied planet and make off with his ship-that was as good as stealing as far as anyone would be concerned. But then again, the Twi'lek appeared to have alterior motives as well. Selling others into slavery wasn't something that should technically be rewarded either. The other four reduced to clamouring to talk over one another, each trying to raise their voice louder than the previous speaker. It did little to convince Aria of any of their innocence, in fact it rather got on her nerves. She found herself probing into their thoughts to verify their claims, but there was one who she had yet to form a judgement on. Everyone had weighed in on the story at one point or another, except for the Rodian. He was far, far too quiet. Turning her attention to him, the acolyte's head tipped to one side questioningly. "And what about you?" she addressed him directly, hoping to coax some kind of response out of him-with lightning, if necessary. "If you think that being quiet will convince me then I'm afraid you're mistaken, my friend. You must have found your way here somehow, so tell me or do I need to remind you that I can pull anything I want out of your head and there's nothing you can do to stop me?" she extended her mind towards his as if to prompt him, withdrawing before she caused enough discomfort to cause him to cry out loud. And then waited, to see if he would say anything. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Yerbol flinching whenever she would exert more pain on the prisoners. Rolling her eyes slightly, she turned her gaze to him briefly while the Rodian was quiet. "You don't get people to talk by being nice, Yerbol." her voice echoed in his mind, she clearly didn't want the prisoners-whether they were real or not-overhearing their speculations before they made their final decision. "At any rate, what do you reckon so far? The Rodian might be innocent, or maybe he's being quiet because he knows if he says nothing the other four will incriminate each other and he'll walk free even though he's a criminal himself." If she could have shrugged without giving it away to them, she would have.