[hr][hr][right][i][color=lime]Croup Manor_[/color][/i][/right][hr][hr] Dali smiled and curtsied at her welcoming, Curie gave a small wave with her claw hand. However, Dali spoke under her breath when Shin-mu referenced her companion, "Well, I couldn't exactly leave her behind..." She shrugged, "McNamara would have scrapped her for whatever makes her run in an instant." Nodding politely to Bruce, Dali's attention was turned to the emotionless man as he began an interrogation of the three of his own. She would admit, she was curious. All of this seemed suspect-- she was new out here, but she knew enough to know that strangers, people you didn't have a personal stake with, could [i]always[/i] prove to be a fatal liability. Never presume you know anyone unless you [i]know[/i] them. Maybe she was reaching for similarities, but based on his tone, he wasn't overtly aggressive, but more unwilling to undertake a long journey with people he didn't know-- they both valued [i]knowing[/i] people. Of course-- this man's methods of getting to know people and her own methods couldn't have been further apart. He was being too direct, his questions were too broad. [i]Who[/i] could be constructed in an instant-- in the Vault, and even moreso in the wasteland, a person's 'who' could be constructed in an instant. Dali knew the self was an illusion. It didn't matter 'who' they were. And if they had ulterior motive outside of going to China, somehow recovering fusion cores, and eliminating the Brotherhood-- they wouldn't tell, and Dali could figure out on her own later. [i]'Who'[/i] and [i]'why'[/i] were important-- but we needed the whole picture, we knew [i]'what'[/i] and [i]'when,'[/i] but we didn't know [i]'how.'[/i] "Y-yeah!" Dali added her own addendum to the man's question, hoping he'd see what she was trying to do, "How do you have the resources to gather a crew of strangers and send them across the country to China, while presumably paying us afterwards? How are we [i]getting[/i] to China if we make it to the west coast at all-- isn't there an ocean in the way? How do you have access to a satellite at all? Do you know if the Brotherhood doesn't already have access to this information? And I think the most important thing here-- if we really are going to China, how do we know they'll even [i]want[/i] to give us that knowledge-- the last I check we've got a bit of a rocky history with China..."[right][@Azazaa][@knighthawk][@Hjalti][/right]