Not my best work, but I think you guys would help me with anything I needed to add or change, right? [hider=Alexis][b]Name[/b]: Alexandria "Alexis" Deva [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 17 [hider=Personality]Alexis wishes nothing more than to be the center of all attention, which is the only reason she became a pokemon trainer in the first place. If not for that, she would've focused entirely on Contests. Taking great pride in her skills, despite being new to the whole pokemon trainer thing, she would probably claim that her enemies challenge her solely to be defeated by someone greater than them, arrogantly dismissing any remarks to the contrary. Whenever Alexis is interrupted while speaking, or her pride tarnished, she can quickly lose her temper and composure, throwing a childish complaint if the battle goes out of her favor, or otherwise outright losing the match. She also expresses a distaste for those who would attempt to teach her anything after she loses. Despite being spoiled and self-centered, Praline is not entirely heartless. She dislikes those that try to tell others to give up their dreams, and the reason she wanted to become noticed was that she could become a role model of sorts.[/hider] [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [b]Height[/b]: 5'7" [hider=History]Born in Snowpoint City, Sinnoh, Alexandria was brought up as a spoiled brat that got what she wanted, when she wanted it. If she wanted a berry pie, she got it. If she wanted a pokemon plushie, she got it. If she wanted to learn how to do something, she was given lessons immediately. She treated almost everyone like they were beneath her, and didn't seem to care one bit about how she acted. Why did no one do anything about it? Simple, it was because she was cute. Many who spotted her, melted to her will at the sight of her adorable eyes. Many couldn't resist allowing Alexandria to have her way. For the most part, she enjoyed a life of free luxury, and unchallenged superiority. So...Why did she start on a journey? The answer lies in the television and Snorunt. On TV, she adored the famous trainers and coordinators that received cheers and praise from fans all across the region, even when simply appearing and sitting down to enjoy an event. This foreign form of adoration enticed Alexandria. She could hear it in their voices that the love they have for those people were vastly different to the kind she heard in her hometown. So she had decided to go out and claim such adoration for herself, against the warnings her family and others had given her about going on a journey without any idea of how it would work. Of course, Alexandria would learn the first of many lessons by catching her first pokemon. When she found Snorunt, she had thought that the pokemon would simply come to her side once it saw how cute she was. No such luck. If anything, it was that initial attempt that had created the spark that would become the great flames of competition. The two would go at it for the entire day. Alexandria would try to trap Snorunt, but the pokemon would escape. Snorunt would try to ward Alexandria away, but the girl would find her way back. By the time night rolled around, the two had gained a respect for each other. This respect would serve as her first hint of the difficulties to come.[/hider] [b]Preferred Starter[/b]: Snorunt [b]Team[/b]: [list] [*]Snorunt - [b]Level[/b]: 5 - [b]Gender[/b]: Female - Ability - [b]Move Set[/b]: Powder Snow, Leer, Double Team [/list] [hider=Bag Items][list] [*]Oran Berry x3 [*]Pokeball x3 [*]Potion x1 [/list][/hider] [hider=Called Pokemon][list] [*]Clamperl [*]Sneasel [*]Castform [*]Flareon [*]Mareep [*]Meditite [*]Deino [*]Honedge [*]Larvesta [/list][/hider][/hider]