[hider=Kaitlyn Watson][b]Name:[/b] Kaitlyn Watson [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Appearance:[/b] Kaitlyn isn't exactly dressed to impress. She wears black military-style pants tucked into large combat boots, topped off with a black sports bra. She also has a leg holster on her right leg in which she carries an untraceable firearm, and further down her leg is a knife holster with a tactical knife. She does have other outfits, and a couple of coats and hoodies, but this is her favorite, so she has multiple pairs of each article in the same color. As for her body, she's a staggering six-foot-three woman with a muscular, but not swole, build, despite having a relatively curvy frame. Although caucasian, she has very tanned skin, so you wouldn't be blamed for thinking she's Latino. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, and cut short for a woman, only reaching just past her ears. Her hair is also unkempt pretty much all the time, and taking a brush to it is next to impossible without loads of hair conditioner. Her eyes are a deep blue color, and in the right they look almost purple, like a demon's. [b]Personality:[/b] At the center of who she is is a stark constrast in self-esteem and self-confidence. The woman has very high confidence, going into fights or talking to people without a doubt in her mind that she's going to be successful to some degree. But on the flipside, she has dreadfully low self-esteem, thinking of herself as something less than human; a monster. She feels she doesn't really deserve to live, nor that there's any real hope she could possibly redeem herself or become a good person. Of course, Kaitlyn wishes to be free from her nightmare of a life, and silently pleas for a savior, but that doesn't change that she doesn't think it'll ever come. That's not to say she doesn't have a will to live, but hers is more instinctual than a lot of others. In a life-or-death situation, she doesn't actually think, "I want to make it out alive." She just kind of... does it. And the fact she's survived this long makes her genuinely believe she has the worst luck in the world, because she's forced to keep living, through a combination of her body practically acting on its own to save her and "bad luck" (read: really good luck). Around people, she acts calm and cool, with a tinge of snark, sass, and sarcasm. She's rather blunt and rude, not really treating people with very much kindness at all unless she takes some kind of interest in someone for some reason (which basically doesn't happen). Especially when she's about to kill them, or commit some crime; she's remorseless, essentially, feeling very little as a result of either killing someone or ruining their life. And it's not necessarily out of spite for the world; she's simply apathetic to the plight of humans in general. And this is why she thinks she's a monster; when she hears of a tragedy, she doesn't care. Same when she causes one herself. Her emotions don't function like a normal human being's; she's lost something essential to being human, and she can't figure out what it is. And lastly, she's not super hard to get angry. However, pushing her over the edge is a difficult task. Insulting her abilities is a surefire way to get her pissed at you. But to get her raging, you have to bring up her troubled youth, insult her father, and most importantly, side with her mother. But, who knows what the RP will bring! People who've seen her get angry enough describe her as developing the countenance of a demon and giving off an aura of killing intent that's palpable and suffocating. Although, this doesn't happen very often at all, because angering her to this point is extremely difficult. It's only happened twice in her life. [b]History:[/b] You normally hear about an abusive, alcoholic father or stepfather that beats his wife and kid in backstories, especially for tragic characters such as Kaitlyn. However, this was very much the other way around during the woman's younger years. Her mother was alcoholic and did drugs and was the abuser in the family, scaring her father into staying with her despite almost daily beatings. She treated Kaitlyn even worse, having wanted a boy because she wanted to raise one to be an athlete, but unwilling to go through with an abortion because of her Christian faith. So, at an early age, she would regularly neglect Kait, leaving up solely to her father to feed her. As she grew older, Kaitlyn's mother began to beat her, growing more and more abusive as time passed. But, eventually, Kaitlyn's father grew tired of it and bought a gun shortly after Kaitlyn's fourteenth birthday. But the mother found out and in a fit of rage shot Kaitlyn's father. In reaction, Kaitlyn stabbed her in the back with a knife from the kitchen and then shot her in the head. She just so happened to be wearing gloves after a cold day, so her fingerprints didn't show up and it was written up as a murder-suicide, while Kaitlyn was put into foster care. It was too late, however, to undo the damage her mother had caused and the trauma that came with killing someone for the first time. And instead of allowing people to help her, Kaitlyn turned to gang violence and discovered she had a knack for combat. She got involved in progressively more and more dangerous things, culminating in her current job as a "fixer," a person who "fixes" any problems for a price, whether that be getting rid of a loudmouth or kidnapping someone who needs to be taught a lesson. Kait actually makes a fair amount of money doing this, but prefers to live in cheap accommodations, and never for very long at a time; in fact, she moves from place to place fairly regularly. Recently, on the search for a man who skipped town, she came to Mercer City, and acquired a strange new ability. And in light of an increasing crime rate and crazy folks rambling about gods, she found this rather strange and has taken it upon herself to investigate just what the hell is going on in this place. [b]Shade Name:[/b] 「Animal I Have Become」, after the Three Days Grace song of the same name. [b]Shade Appearance:[/b] AIHB starts out looking like a "normal" human female slightly larger than Kaitlyn, except nude (without any "naughty bits") and completely monochromatic minus glowing purple eyes. However, the angrier Kaitlyn gets, the more demonic her shade grows. Its skin turns a deep, blood red as it grows scales, claws, horns, and fangs. In its final "form," its face is replaced with a horned cow skull, while black ridges grow on the back of its arms and along its spine. [b]Shade Powers:[/b] As Kaitlyn gets angrier, her shade grows stronger and faster. However, it also becomes much harder to control, and until Kaitlyn learns to control it, it'll begin acting independently of her will. In its base form, she can have her shade walk long distances; its only real use is scouting, albeit slowly. It can also use light weapons to kill normal people from afar. Her stand also has the ability to manipulate anger, although she has yet to discover this ability. However, she sometimes does it unconsciously, but not to a very noticeable degree. It only works well on weaker-willed people, though it's possible for her to increase this ability's power through practice. It should be noted that the transformation is continual and more of a sliding scale than a set number of different forms, although it does have what can be considered a final form since it stops changing at that point. [u]Destructive Power:[/u] It starts out as a D, about as physically powerful as a child and thus able to do whatever a child is capable of, but when it gets to its final form its strength jumps up to an A+ ranking, capable of destructive output that surpasses Star Platinum. [u]Speed:[/u] It starts out at E, being able to walk slowly, but at Kaitlyn's angriest it has an A rating, being able to punch about as fast as Star Platinum. [b]Range:[/b] This goes from a B - being able to walk anywhere within two hundred feet of Kaitlyn. She can manipulate the environment and set traps, use physical weapons to try and kill people, and stuff like that. [u]Durability:[/u] At its base, it gets a C, being about as durable as Kaitlyn herself is. In AIHB's final form, it jumps up to a B, making it somewhat of a glass cannon considering how strong other shades can potentially be. [u]Precision:[/u] This stat starts out at a solid B, allowing for a decent amount of marskmanship for her stand. However, by the time the stand is in its final form, precision has been knocked down to a D, meaning it basically just attacks wildly. [u]Developmental Potential:[/u] This gets a B because there is a yet undiscovered power, and Kaitlyn has the potential to control her stand better by focusing and channeling her anger instead of letting it consume her. [u]Drawbacks:[/u] Unless she gets angry, Kaitlyn can't use her stand in one-on-one combat and must either run away or depend on her own physical body to do the fighting. On the flipside, if she IS angry and wants to fight, she needs to be very close to her enemies, which means having to possibly walk into traps or into the range of very dangerous abilities. Plus, it's hard to get her angry enough to unlock the full power of her shade. Not only that, but it's very unlikely she'll gain full control over her stand. [u]Manifestation of Flaws:[/u] Kaitlyn thinks she lacks something essential to being human, and that a monster resides within her; her shade's black and white color is representative of her lacking that essential element, and the purple eyes represents the monster trapped inside her. She's also at her most monstrous when she's the most angry, and so the same goes for the stand. Since anger is more or less a sliding scale, so is the transformation of her stand. Her base shade's ability to travel far and effectively manipulate the environment is symbolic of Kaitlyn's belief that she just keeps on keeping on despite what she actually wants (which is death), as well as her search for the critical component that she lacks. [b]Personal skills:[/b] -Lockpicking. -Information gathering. -Proficiency in hand-to-hand combat. -Proficiency with pistols. -Proficiency with melee weapons (bats, knives, brass knuckles, etc.). -Improvisation during combat. -Strong and fast (but not superhumanly so). [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Can be overconfident and underestimate opponents. -Just as susceptible to wounds as any other human. -She's a bigger target because of her body size. -She's often reckless in combat. -Despite proficiency in hand-to-hand combat, she doesn't have actual skill or technique; it's just straight-up brawling. [b]Flaws/Insecurities:[/b] -Kaitlyn can be overconfident. -She believes that she's subhuman and a monster. -When she gets REALLY angry, she totally loses control of herself. -She's a remorseless killer. -She just doesn't give a damn. -She doesn't work well with others. -It's difficult for her to make personal connections.[/hider]