[@Ojo chan 42] Vlad recognized the look of jealousy on Jean's face. He raised a brow and looked at Sasha before watching Jean leave. He also noted the small look of something akin to panic on Sasha's face. He chuckled quietly as he realized he was causing a bit of trouble for the two of them. He looked at her when she started speaking and sat properly in the chair...still holding the pillow of course. He tilted his head. [color=lightblue]"It's an okay story...one that caused me to be pretty much by myself for quiet some time"[/color] he shrugged. [color=lightblue]"So it's not that interesting."[/color] He chuckled as she talked about loosing her boundaries to get a story. [color=lightblue]"It's fine. even if I had..my bite is not that bad"[/color] he studied her. [color=lightblue]"Besides..I didn't take you up on it so no need to even think about it."[/color] as he spoke his phone went off. He rolled his eyes and dug it out of his jeans and answered. [color=lightblue]"The elites have been what....you want me to...how about no. I can't do that. Let me rephrase..I won't do that. I've done every thing else you've ever asked of me but I will not hunt down those who used to work for you. Yea take that sentence and shove it"[/color] he clicked the phone shut and rubbed his face while inhaling. [color=lightblue]"Well...I'm ex soldier now."[/color] he looked at Sasha. [color=lightblue]"probably not good..but I've survived this long"[/color] he ran a hand through his hair briefly exposing the left side of his face...and allowing the hoop in his ear to shine for a moment.