"Clearly," Kiro's breath was rapid, as he stared across the floor as well, taking in the view of the various weapons and bodies. "Your definition of awesome must be a lot different than mine." He didn't laugh like he would normally; Kiro simply stared off in the distance. He felt lightheaded, and almost off in his own, far off world. Niijima kicked Taro hard in the gut, as he laughed maniacally. "Next time, perhaps you will remember the true rulers of the school; Niijima and his two loyal underlings!" He continued to laugh, as he rested a single foot on the bully's face. He coughed awkwardly, as he casted a glance back at Ally and Kiro. He pulled his PDA out just enough so he could see half of the screen. "My, my, will you look at the time?" He commented calmly, as he shoved it back in his pocket. "My class is already halfway over; I didn't even hear the warning bell." He commented openly, as he stepped over the various bodies to make it to the door. "Well, see you kids around, I can't be tarnishing my reputation too badly by missing classes. Bravo on the fight, and all that, Kiro. The people loved you out there, the underdog." Niijima yawned boredly, as he exited the room. He really was a cold and heartless young teen. (sorry for the horrible post. XDD)