[center][h3]Nies Hellum[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/eOvhEtX.png[/img] Interacting with:[@KoL] [/center] Every now and then, Eris gave her a little bit more. Information, feelings and more. Cassandra filed away the information, curious but deciding it could wait. She gave a nod, no more willing to give up Eris's secrets here then in the real world. [color=f6989d]"The world is a demanding place, and holding those you care close is sometimes all we have. My goal for a while now has been to show this game for what it is"[/color] stopping the car, she couldn't believe that it hadn't crashed, exploded or just stopped working. [color=f6989d]"I have my own choices, that is true. And i am not giving up on my friends. I trust them to do what they think is right, just like I will do. If they can't understand that, then maybe they aren't really my friends"[/color] she said, giving a shrug, and getting out the car as well. She had come this far, why not see what happened? [color=f6989d]"I have allied myseof with you, not because of what I feel, but because...I believe in you. And i choose the greenguild intially because i was scared, in this world, and they were...comfort. i am not scared, anymore. Thats it. I'm with you"[/color] she fell silent when Eclipse walked overr and spoke to the person there.