Westley wandered around the market, in high hopes he would find someone who could heal his mouth and stop the drooling issue he had. As he wandered however, he noticed something being sold by an old looking gnome... [hider=The Thing] [img]http://cdn.instructables.com/FKX/AXY1/GDM7853P/FKXAXY1GDM7853P.MEDIUM.jpg[/img][/hider] An ornate and small music box stood out, and it seemed to not belong with the other items being sold by the gnome. When Westley picked it up, he felt it vibrating with some kind of energy, something that made him want it even more. The UFO chimed and spoke for Westley [color=f26522]"Excuse me sir, but what be the deal wit' this music box?"[/color] The old gnome spoke in a raspy voice. [color=fff200]"That be an old music box, passed down from my father to me, and passed by his father before him. However, there's an issue with it. I used to be called 'Grodlar the Iron Fist', and I adventured a lot when I was younger, now however age has got the better of me, and I had to retire. On my adventures, I carried this box around as a charm of good luck and fortune, but it got cursed. When I went to the druids of my hometown to uncurse it because I wanted to hear what the song it played was, they said 'it can only be heard in the true mind.' Now, I had no idea what this meant, so I figured it was useless. Now I'm trying to get rid of it, as it has brought me more bad luck than good luck recently."[/color] Westley was still holding the box carefully, examining it's every corner for imperfections. What he really wanted, however, was to hear the music that it played. [color=f26522]"How much do you want for it?"[/color] Grodlar chuckled, and spoke again. [color=fff200]"You'd be doin' me a favor by just takin' the damned thing. Hell I'd probably help you in a time of dire straits if you just took it right now."[/color] Westley smiled and thanked the old adventurer for the box, and put it in his bag with the rest of his belongings. [color=f26522]"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you Grodlar."[/color] Westley continued in the market, walking around looking for a healer. Alas, it seemed when he finally found one, they were too expensive for him to pay for. He headed towards the stables of the town, stopping occasionally to spit out the mouthful of spit he had. Stride's UFO, however, flew off to find Tugrok and accompany him on retrieving the items from the blacksmith.