[hider=”Umbra”][center][h3][color=4796D1][b]Shiny Umbreon[/b][/color][/h3] [sup][b][color=gray]Physical Age:[/color][/b] 15 | [b][color=gray]Species:[/color][/b] Umbreon | [b][color=gray]Recruitable:[/color][/b] Semi[/sup] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a5/7c/81/a57c8103e7068d4e2dbbe9ad4e9b1368.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=4796D1]”Y’see, I’ve had nothing but a bunch of self entitled trainers throwing Pokeballs at my ass hoping to get a ‘rare one’ for their collection, so there’s a reason I hate 'em."[/color][/b][/center] This Shiny Umbreon, given the nickname “Umbra” by a few trainers nice enough to protect her from other trainers and collectors, has spent a large portion of her life being hunted down for her special coloration. Umbra’s alway been a free and independant soul, though her shininess has always created a divide between her, other Pokemon, and trainers. She’s never wanted to be confined, though after her first trainer encounter, and second, and the third, she isolated herself and slowly became cynical. She’s had no real backing for that many ‘good’ humans, except for the trainers who gave her the name ‘Umbra’, and those from the lab who patched her up after lots of abuse, at the cost of only a small blood sample. While she was a bit irritated with that, she dealt with it since it gave her a roof to hide under until she decided to be left on her lonesome. Back then, she had a lot more trainers trying to capture her, though she evaded each time. She held her own as much as she could but when several trainers were going after her, she bailed. Ever since then, she’s stayed as close as she can to the lab. After becoming a Pokejinka, Umbra was pretty happy with the change. It allowed for easier communication and actually made it a bit easier to bail from trainers and whatnot. She actually finds herself on rooftops quite a lot, enjoying the view of the town below, although still finds herself shutting out to other people. At the sign of care however, she lightens up ever-so-slightly and is willing to return. She somewhat classifies herself as a freelancer as she’s willing to help some trainers (who don’t immediately spam Ultra balls at her) for various duties, for either money or food. But she isn’t afraid to lash out to said trainers if they attempt to capture her, and usually doesn’t open up to those types of people. (Note - Her ears and tail are more predominant than the picture, and she has a few black and blue rings, three on the last three fingers of her left hand, one on her right index finger, and two on her right middle finger. Those rings and the blue portion of her hair glow when she uses attacks.)[/hider] Welp, here we go. Hope that one's good, if anything needs to be edited feel free to tell me. Also if you need any help with anything, do the same.