[color=00a651][h3]Meirin Kurenai[/h3][/color] Meirin woke up that morning in a cold sweat. She didn't remember what this dream was about, whether it was sweat or dark, only that it made her feel... Tired. It was hard to explain. Ever since Meirin started to take more medicine to deal with her insomnia and night terrors, she's started to feel like they were getting less and less effective. It got bad enough that eventually she couldn't hide it any longer. So one day she told Ssarak about it. She should have tried to go to someone who was more... Knowledgeable about the affliction of the mind, but Meirin didn't want to. This wasn't just her body acting strange or just a bad habit. It was something worse, something that Meirin felt she needed to handle herself. Or at least with those she trusts. Sighing, Meirin knew she couldn't worry about it now. Ever since talking to Ssarak she has felt that these dreams have become less frightening. Mostly since she can't remember them, which was probably a blessing. Changing out of her night clothes Meirin prepared herself some tea, her medicine, and then changed into her clothes. As she was brewing a hot pot of water, she looked at the tea box she had. It was the same one Khan had given to her so long ago. Since Meirin has mostly been getting a good night's sleep, she doesn't visit the headmaster anymore. Part of her felt guilty about this; she wondered if Khan still suffered for his own night terrors. The fact that Meirin had been handling hers made her feel somewhat responsible if Khan can't take care of his. But considering the problem she has now, perhaps Meirin and Khan would meet regularly again. Finishing her tea and getting dressed, Meirin went over to her armory. She had collected a vast array of weapons, some that she doesn't even know how to use. Daggers from all around the world, a barrel of swords, even a few bows and crossbows. She wanted to know how other people around the world fight, to get an understanding of what their lives were like. Strange as it may be, their weapons of choice and how they used it spoke much about their lives. Those who used swords were often at war with their fellow neighbors, and those with large unwieldy weapons fought against large and frightening monsters. Some blades were made to hold a keen edge while others could withstand much punishment. Even the bows had their own history: some could shoot down a dragon from the skies, and others are made to shoot from the back of dragons whilst in the sky. These things gave Meirin an unconventional look into the history of others, which would hopefully help her on her next mission. Meirin knew that there was a mission to send a diplomatic party into Djarkel. While she doesn't know the full details, based off her last mission Meirin knows that this was a follow up on the information they had found while protecting the caravan. Meirin suspects they would deal with more vampires, and being the courts of Djarkel, plenty of Psychomancers. She knew that Ssarak would come along, but she wasn't certain who else would be with them. Meirin honestly hoped Alaira wasn't going to come along. As a diplomatic mission no doubt rife with Psychomancers, Alaira would be a poor pick. Not that Meirin could stop her... At least until she becomes a liability. More importantly however, this was explicitly a diplomatic mission. Thus Meirin would need to dress herself appropriately. Fortunately she's been keeping up-to-date about the various styles in Djarkel, so hopefully Meirin could dress to impress. Thus Meirin moved from her armory to her armoire, looking for the best outfits she had. As she was picking them out she heard a knock on the door and knew it was Ssarak even before his voice called out to her. Putting her clothes away Meirin went to open the door, and sure enough the big black dragon was at her door. [color=00a651]"Good morning Ssarak."[/color] Meirin gave him a quick peck on the cheek, something she often does when they meet in private. [color=00a651]"I was just getting ready for my mission. Would you like to come inside?"[/color] [color=fff79a][h3]Myrn Vaan'Atisha[/h3][/color] Myrn woke up with a start over her study. She rubbed her eyes as she looked at the drool-stained piece of paper in front of her. She had been keeping touch with the naga through writing as well as updating her journals with all the new information she had been gathering. Over these past few months at the college Myrn has not only been a productive member of the college, but also attending their classes. She went to each class whenever possible to jot down information about their magics. Despite the fact that her own mageblood has not yet awakened, Myrn was excited to learn more about mage blood and it's potential. Additionally, Myrn has been working as a tutor for the college, using her knowledge to help students even if she can't practice herself. She also helps tutor about other things such as history and culture, in which she's met another often about such things. Her name was Meirin; a tall red haired woman who was a weaver. She wanted to learn more about the world and often did so by collecting weapons. Myrn thought she was strange, but she didn't question it. In addition to all of that, one brand of magic in particular interested Myrn greatly, and that was the magic of enchantment. Classified as an ancient magic that did not truly require mageblood to use, Myrn had learned many lines and tried to recite them. However they never produced any affect. The likely reason is because her mageblood has yet to activate, though Myrn hopes to figure out a way to activate an incantation even without awakening her mageblood. That aside, Myrn hasn't used her Dar'Missan as often as she'd like. While far from rusty, her life at the college has been peaceful so far. She had been so caught up in her research and writing that she hasn't even gone hunting. Myrn seems to have transitioned from a story teller to a scholar. Cleaning up herself and her room a little, Myrn wondered what she would do today. [color=fff79a]"Let's see... I think in about an hour there is a Crytomancy class, and after that a Geomancy. Then it'll be lunch time, though I'm certain Val is holding a seminar about runes around then too... Oh! The mission board! I should go see what they have on the mission board. Yes, that's what I'll do. It'd be good for me to get out more, maybe somewhere warm. The snow is pretty, but it's just not my element..."[/color] Myrn bundled up, as her lithe elvish body wasn't good at retaining heat. It was times like this she wouldn't mind having Aramir around to huge, as her pyromancy made the snow elf a warm little ball of fire. If the two crossed paths, Myrn was going to pounce on her. Until then Myrn grabbed her bag, her Dar'Missan, and a canteen before heading out to the mission board. She wanted to be early so she could get a good pick at missions.