[hider=Moe Williamson] [hr] [color=lime] [h1]Moe Williamson[/h1] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/611378138459680768/EKiNHPt1_400x400.jpg[/img] [/color] [hr][hr] [color=lime] [i][h2]“I’d rather be in Miami right now”[/h2][/i] [/color] [color=lime]Name: Moe Williamson[/color](Full Name) [color=lime]Aliases: Mo, Mo Will[/color](Nicknames, previous names, maiden names, etc.) [color=lime]Age: 36[/color] [color=lime]Birthday: July 17th[/color] [color=lime]Ethnicity: American[/color] [color=lime]Birth Place: New York City, Queens.[/color] [color=lime]Years With Dunder Mifflin: 5[/color] [color=lime]Gender: Male[/color] [color=lime]Major/Minor: Business, Minor in Marketing at Columbia University[/color] [color=lime]Occupation: Supplier Relationship Rep[/color] [color=lime]Languages: English and Spanish [/color] [hr] [color=lime] Appearance [/color] [hr] [color=lime]Height: 6’2[/color] [color=lime]Weight: 210 Pounds[/color] [color=lime]Build: Fit, with some muscle but[/color] [color=lime]Eyes: Brown[/color] [color=lime]Hair: Black, often spiked up and somewhat kept, beard up to his chin[/color] [color=lime]Skin Tone: Tanned, Whiteish Brownish blend with more of a emphasis on the Brown[/color] [color=lime]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: None[/color] [color=lime]Personal Style: Sometimes he comes into the office with hoodies and sweatpants, but usually a dress shirt, trousers, and a coat matching the color of the trousers.[/color] [hr] [hr] [color=lime] Psychology [/color] [hr] [hr] [color=lime] Outgoing * Overworker * Ambitous * Greedy [/color] [hr] [color=lime]Sexuality: Hetrosexual[/color] (What is there born sexuality even if they may not realize it yet) [color=lime]Relationship Status: Single, been divorced once.[/color] [color=lime]Personality:[/color] Personality Moe personality wise is a interesting person. You see he’s lived most of his life under the shadow of money. Money he earned from his own profession or money he has had in his family. So he’s used to the life of luxury, of knowing that tommorrow he’ll have money in his account, and a nice car and house waiting for him. He spends lavishly. Branded clothing, designer prefumes you name it he’ll buy it, disregarding the price tag entirely. But he’s also one of those people that rarely gives to charity and calls them the “biggest scam of them all”. He’s also not very religious as well, and feels that these men who preach god are merely wolfs in sheep’s clothing robbing from the poor to satisfy their agenda. But, you often see this stuff via actions. Moe when you meet him sounds like a humble guy. He;’s one of those guys you’ll see working extra hours if something isn’t his “golden star of apporval”. Getting stressed out over high work hours is a common thing and thus his cigar smoking habit is also something he devolped. He drinks as well but isn’t the that will roofie your drink or get wasted. One could argue he’s a man of class as well, beside’s from having a huge ego and a preception of himself to other people. Moe due to his years in business also one could say is two faced towards certain people. He offer’s the olive branch out to them but instead he plots and watches them, laughing at mistakes and shortcomings, thinking of ways he could of done it better or finished it. Gossip is often of importance to Moe as well and he doesn’t mind sitting around the watercooloer for another rumor to further his cause. [color=lime]Habits: Checking/being on his phone alot, having a cup of coffee, smoking the usual cigar[/color] [color=lime]Hobbies: Plays Video Games from time to time[/color] [color=lime]Fears:[/color] 3 real fears that make your character unhinged Heights Losing his job Being dirt poor [color=lime]Likes:[/color] 6 minimal Pizza Cars Women Video Games Cigars Reading [color=lime]Dislikes:[/color] 6 minimal Sob Stories The Homeless Chick Flicks Public Transit Taxi’s Freeloaders [hr] [color=lime] Cards On The Table [/color] [hr] [color=lime]General World Skills:[/color] Driving Negotiations City Knowledge Mechanics Computers [color=lime]Combat Skills:[/color] Used to play baseball, so he’s pretty handy with a baseball bat Athelitics, he has a gym membership Stamina Leadership Has had gun training before and know’s how to use one. [color=lime]What Is On Your Person:[/color] Wallet, with various credit cards, gun range memebership, gym membership and 128 in cash Keys to his Lexus IS 300 Lighter, cheap plastic dollar branded one Often keeps a cigar, wrapped in it’s wrapping for it’s smoking Iphone 6S Above Average Watch [color=lime]Desk:[/color] A small bookshelf, desk based. Has 2-4 books with bookmarks in various spots Picture of Miami Skyline at night, as well as a picture of his ex-wife and 2 kids. Photo Album, with various other pictures A baseball in a glass cube, signed by a professional baseball player Box DVD Set’s of TV Show’s autographed by one or two of the actors 2015 Lexus IS 300 [hr] [color=lime] History [/color] [hr] [color=lime]What Brings You to Dunder Mifflin:[/color] The short answer, Moe needed a job. The long one? Basically what occurred was after the hearing which derailed Gambino Holdings Co. Moe needed to find a way to sustain his family. So what he did was look into various companies that needed job openings and job spots. Some companies were picky on the whole Gambino holding case. Other companies didn’t meet his requirements or didn’t really offer him what he really wanted. Low salary for some companies to a job with a few promotion chances before being stuck in a holding pattern for 5-7 until someone retires. Luckly, Dunder Mifflin seemed like a promising place for Moe to start anew and fresh.. And hopefuly not get involved with the law again [color=lime]Life Up To This Point:[/color] Life was great for Moe at one point. You see Moe was living the American Dream. Nice wife, 2 great kids. Driving around in a expensive Ferrari and living in a six bedroom house with a pool and a golf course nearby. The dream. His job you ask? He was Head of Finance for a holding company called Gambino Holding Co that owned various businesses. It had, at it’s peak over 500 employees at the time and was one of the biggest companies in Miami. It even had offices in New York, Utah and Los Angeles. It was a medium to large company that was pretty well known on the east coast and starting to get some buzz on the west coast. The owner even met the president of the US for dinner at one point, it was a pretty big deal. But then one summer came and a few things went haywire. First, a few companies withdrew their assets from Gambino Holding Co due to a variety of reasons. Some citing they felt that the upper management didn’t answer core questions, didn’t help them with key problems and many more management issues. But as the weeks went by a few major players got wind of various small companies withdrawing and started questioning the company. Moe like many of his co-workers were told to keep shut, but were given a payrise or a “bribe”. One of his co-workers even found various Swiss bank account documents on the desk of his boss with hundreds of thousands of dollars being sent into accounts, off shore.. Into a tax haven. With the money being diverted in roughly mid-September the place was formally raided by the FBI with the help of the SEC. Like many of Moe’s co-workers he was hounded day in and day out by the press. His family was forced to go on trail and slowly.. Life changed. For starters, the SEC was pressing hard on the boss’s, so what do you do? You blame someone else. Various of Moe’s co-workers were sent to jail, some of them cut deals which what Moe did and he thought was the right thing to do.. The deal meant he stood trial against one of his boss’s, lost his house, car and over half a million dollars from his bank account in-exchange for not facing a 5 year jail sentence. Now it sounds like a steep price… which it was. You see the SEC and FBI hit the jackpot since for the last year the Boss’s of Moe’s were leaving a paper trail of unknown money and abusing the system. With this they tried to place blame on co-workers and well.. They paid the price one could say.. In Moe’s eyes.. With the case done and over with, Moe was free.. But it cost him. His wife left him, and took custody of the kids (though after moving to Moe managed to get custody of his daughter and has leverage for his son). But also his old life. He was used to the opulence and the lavish life, but also the family life. [hr] [color=lime] Extras [/color] [hr] [color=lime]Character Quote Money and Happiness are a dangerous cocktail:[/color] [color=lime]Theme Song: Money Power Glory by Lana Del Ray[/color] What would be playing when they walk up if we were in a movie? [color=lime]Dirty Little Secret:He has dabbed in drugs before.[/color] [color=lime]Anything Else: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3712790 [/color] (Read the rules and check for what you are supposed to put here before submitting) *By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. [/hider] [hider=Relations] [center][h1][color=Lime]Moe Williamson[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/611378138459680768/EKiNHPt1_400x400.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=Lime]{[/color][i]"Gotta make some friends at this new place."[/i][color=Lime]}[/color][/center] [center]⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies[/center] [center]⚜[color=Yellow][b]Aidan Ferguson[/b][/color]⚜[/center] [center][i]"The Bossman"[/i][/center] Aiden is one of the guys that Moe respects for his work ethic and his no bullshit apporach to the reality's of the world. But other then the usual conversation about shipping and work related matters, he isn't the first person Moe would call to a family dinner or to go bowling or something. [center]☯/§[color=Cyan][b]Gwen Westbrook[/b][/color]☯/§ [i]"The Expendable Intern"[/i] In all honestly, Moe views Gwen as another statistic. She's a intern, a half decent one in fact and merely here to post the mail and give out coffee. They rarely coversate and interact ☠/§[color=Crimson][b]Declan Farraday[/b][/color]§/☠ [i]"The Broke Salesmen"[/i] Moe and Declan don't get along with each other, and that's apparent. A few arguments about money and the outspoken nature of Declan have set both of them apart..by a long shot. ☮[color=Pink][b]Nana Darling[/b][/color]☮ [i]"The Good Employee"[/i] Nana and Moe are on good terms. When Nana brought her son into the office they often play with each other and interact as well. Moe and Nana have the occasional conversation and nothing more outside of work.. for now. ⚜[color=Magenta][b]Eugene Han[/b][/color]⚜ [i]"Another workaholic"[/i] Eugene and Moe share one thing alike: Both of them are work machines who are dedicated to what they do. Moe though wants to get to know Eugene more better in the future.. ☯[color=Purple][b]Rose Peters[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Another Face"[/i] Moe and Rose have idle talk from time to time, as much as Moe wants to get to know her he feel's he intimidates her. Symbol [color=White][b]Alastair Abbey[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details ☯[color=LightSalmon][b]Gerald Fischer[/b][/color]☯ [i]"The Head Accountant"[/i] Gerald is a interesting guy. He seems like a outgoing and chill guy in the eye's of Moe and someone he'd like to be friends with. Time will tell if that's doable. Symbol [color=Lavender][b]Chris Meyer[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details ☯[color=Orange][b]Temperance Venable[/b][/color]☯ [i]"The New Girl"[/i] Her? She's new, I'll get to know her soon. Symbol [color=Yellow][b]Sam Foster[/b][/color] Symbol [i]"Thoughts on person"[/i] Relation Details ☯[color=Plum][b]Emily Kessler[/b][/color]☯ [i]"The IT Chick"[/i] Moe somewhat doesn't like Emily mainly due her reminding him of his ex-wife that left him. Still he feels the need to get her more and not have her repulsed by his cologne habits ☯[color=DarkKhaki][b]Eduard Dautrive[/b][/color]☯ [i]"Human Resources Tough Guy"[/i] Moe is no stranger to Human Resources. He keeps out of Eduard's way and doesn't raise that big of a mess inside of the workplace. Outside? He wouldn't mind going for a mug of beer with him. [/center] [/hider]