Something of a personal gripe, and I fully acknowledge that it's somewhat foolish, but something that really annoys me in this world of writing is when an RP or a writer in an RP uses an excessive amount of graphics. I understand that one might really, really like a certain actor or character, but I view excessive graphics as unneeded, and more importantly, a waste of space. In the initial post of a thread, or in a character sheet, I understand, but, thanks. I'm a writer, and I write in RPs to...write. I view RPing as a collaborative authoring experience, and so it really grinds my gears when I open up a thread to poke my head in, excited and interested about story or concept, and I find that it's full of pictures and fancy text. Usually it's full of text as well, but somehow just seeing huge fancy text or a big image ruins my excitement. A large amount of novels don't have these frills: hell, I've never seen a novel that does have pictures in it, and I've never thought that any novel I've ever read has needed them. It drives me up a wall that some people feel what seems like a compulsive need to insert a GIF of their character into every post they put up. I know what the character looks like already, there is no need to keep reiterating. I feel similarly about writing a character's name each post: I understand the logic behind it, but I find it unnecessary and bloating. I could go on: I have a lot of gripes with RPing that I haven't ever talked about. But this should do for now, I feel better.