[hider=Malcolm Mactavish] Name: Malcolm Mactavish Age:16 Gender:male Appearance: Malcolm is lanky and towers over most people at 6'2". He has unruly, curly brown hair which, he almost never combs. Often times he covers it up either a hood, or a baseball hat. Not caring much for fashion he ofter times just wears hoodie's and jean with a graphic tee. His build is slender but stern with, respectable shoulder length. Malcolm is in pretty good physical shape, by no means does he has a six pack or anything he just looks after himself. His skin is tanned, and smooth though, he does have some acne on his forehead. He has small features minus his eyebrows, which are pretty bushy. His eyes are hazel, akin to amber. Overall Malcolm is a pretty simple looking guy, not ugly, just bordering on handsome. The only really stand out thing about Malcolm is the steel necklace around his neck. At the bottom of it is a metal black and white feather. Backstory: Malcolm's father, Fraser, moved to Angel Spring from Scotland on a whim. He always wanted to move to America and thought this was a good enough time as any. He was an aspiring writer who needed some inspiration. He met Malcolm's mother, Rose, and though not love at first sight, they did start dating. They dated for a year or so before Rose got unexpectedly pregnant. Over a lot of long talks they decided to keep the child. Nine months later Malcolm is born but at a great cost; Rose died in childbirth. Fraser gave up on being a writer seeing he has to support a child now he takes up jobs trying to make ends meet. Growing up an only child and having his father working late nights, made Malcolm a lonely but independent child. Malcolm was kind of a social outcast often choosing to play by himself, then with the other kids around him. At the age of 9 Malcolm was walking back home from school when he noticed a dog in the street. The pick up truck, blaring 80's rock down the street did not notice the dog however. Malcolm going off pure instincts, lunged forward trying to save the dog. The only reason he wasn't run over was because he has able to summon his stand knocking the car out of the way. The truck driver pulled over and immediately called emergency services because Malcolm was laying in the street in pain. He was rushed to the hospital because of sickness caused by the stand when they first awaken. In the hospital he meets Matteo, his soon to be best friend. While there they are put in the same room together. Here is where they make their bond by showing each other the ability to summon their stands, though only for a few brief moments since the spiritual toll of summoning them is the reason they're in the hospital in the first place. They bond over their mutual bond of comic books and superheroes and music. After recovering, Malcolm and Matteo were inseparable constantly hanging out. They were even in the same middle school. In middle school they started use their stand powers much more liberally because, they found out people without them can't see them. With their best idea yet, they joined the baseball team. Having a general enjoyment for the sport and with the ability to cheat like crazy without getting caught they soon rose to the top of their teams. Malcolm being their best pitcher and Matteo the best centre fielder. To make it semi-fair they made a rule to not use their stands constantly. They quickly jumped in the social ladder at their school. Malcolm's introverted personality clashed heavily against the sudden burst of popularity. Forcing Malcolm to get out of his comfort zone and start talking to people he didn't know. Malcolm rather than actually learning to be confident, and outgoing he instead learned to fake it and put on a brash, self-assured demeanor. Malcolm continued baseball in high school and continued to get more unwanted attention which pressure him to keep his persona up even more. The only times he really gets to be himself is when it's just him and Matteo. Often times Malcolm wonders if he should stay with the baseball team. The only real reason he joined baseball was because he thought it's just something fun to do and trying to prove his greatness to his dad. Malcolm and his dad have a complex relationship. Fraser doesn't blame Malcolm for killing his mother he does however, occasionally ponders about what if he chose not the have the him or if he should've just left when he still had the chance, a rather dark thought that Fraser doesn't like to linger on. It still creeps into his mind from time to time. Though Fraser never told Malcolm, Malcolm is not naive and knowing about how his parents weren't married and the circumstance he figures out he was an accident. This in a roundabout way drives Malcolm. Making him want to do great things so he can to make sure he's not a burden to his father. The only problem is he doesn't know how he's going to do great things. He has baseball that he's really good at but he doesn't have the love for it that others have, he enjoys it enough but he doesn't love the facade he has to put on because of it. Likes: Writing and reading Baseball Comics and Superheroes Winning Music (hip-hop being his favourite genre) Naps Improving himself Dogs Pranks Hanging out with Matteo Dislikes: Losing Crowds Social gatherings where he doesn't know a lot of people Excuses Kids His facade Powers: Stand: King Kunta (Kendrick Lamar song) Destructive Power: A Speed: A Range: E Durability: B Precision: C Development Potential: B King Kunta has to put simply can increase the speed of any moving object. Depending on how much space King Kunta has he can increase the speed to the speed of sound and beyond but it is a gradual increase meaning the more space he has the faster the object goes. Even in small space he can increase the speed of an object quite a bit eg in 2 meters (6.5 feet) he can increase the speed of say a baseball to speeds of 114m/s (374.016 miles per second). King Kunta has to touch an object before he can increase the speed of it. King Kunta can increase the speed of its own punches, giving it's blows an extreme amount of speed. It can also slow down objects coming towards Malcolm. It can also give Malcolm a boost pushing him away or slowing him down from a long fall. If King Kunta pushes Malcolm away because of the short range King Kunta is also flung with him. Obviously when Malcolm uses him when playing baseball he doesn't use his full power because he doesn't want to kill anyone. King Kunta is a humanoid stand who is the same height and general build as Malcolm. King Kunta is gold with purple trim. King Kunta has a slanted gold, rounded, crown on his head. His face is split distinctively down the middle into two colours; purple and gold. King Kunta's face is akin to a theatre mask the purple side have the frowning face while the other half is a smile. He has a stereotypical cape of a king except it's the colour purple. He has very exaggerated shoulder pads. Past that he has a very sleek body with patches of armour all along his body. [/hider]