Title didn't put you off? Good. I'd like to introduce you to a new world. A world of magenta sunsets, cyan seas, and a sun that isn't there when you're not looking at it to minimize server uptime. Where all your earthly desires are met in polyphonic time, your whims met in a aesthetically pleasing manner where you're free to solve the mysteries of this world in double due time, turning your thoughts to the nature of man and his role in this world. And at the end of the world there will only be liquid advertisement and gaseous desire. Sublimated from our bodies, our untethered senses will endlessly ride escalators through pristine artificial environments, more and less than human, drugged-up and drugged down, catalysed, consuming and consumed by a relentlessly rich economy of sensory information, valued by the pixel. The Virtual Plaza welcomes you, and you will welcome it too. In short, Vaporwave, the RP. Interested?