[quote][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3805652]Actually I'll just link the post[/url][/quote] [@Gimmickly], I quite like your character. It's a good idea, seems like fun, and it fills the niche of two gods who have been inactive from the start. Although 'Persuasion' seems to be a rather narrow Domain; someone suggested Deceit, which is a bit broader. Although there are a few very specific Domains around (we have one demigoddess of Toil), so Persuasion can work too. But your character seems more of a Deceit guy, so I'd recommend that. [@Iktomi], demigods do not need to be created by means of sexual reproduction. In fact, most demigods here were not made by that way. Let me grab the list... Lifprasil was made when Vulamera and Vestec had a fight inside Vestec's mind, and some of Vestec's essence got mixed up inside her to make a demigod embryo. Keriss was made by some strange (planned) essence mingling between Vulamera and Vakarlon while the former was in the latter's mind, and Keriss materialised out in the real world. Belvast was made by a union between Vowzra and Belruarc (there was some touching of faces and stuff involving plants, but it is unclear whether any intercourse actually occurred), and Belruarc who had became mortal gave birth to Belvast. This is the closest to a natural birth we've had. Amartia was made when Vestec found some ancient god-soul recalled by Slough (no Slough involved in the process of making Amartia) and shoved it into a mortal. Kinesis and Conata were both made by Teknall with help from Ilunabar. And by made, I mean literally crafted. Lazarus was made when some mortal found an eldritch artifact, a Relic of Perfectus, (which we think contained an ancient god-soul) left by Vowzra. The Bard came into existence when Vowzra got Ilunabar to create a musical instrument, and they imbued it with their essences. So as you can see, there are plenty of options for how a demigod can originate. If you are set on a Hedonism (Drinking) demigod, then thematically Ilunabar is the best fit. Whether [@Double Capybara] wants to join you in such plans is up to her. Although really, Hedonism (Drinking) seems like a rather narrow Domain/Portfolio. You could probably fit that character into a Hero.