[@Kurai Assassin] [color=ed1c24]"All Elite agents are to be captured and confined for questioning."[/color] [color=#B0E0E6]"Well I was planning to take my leave anyway."[/color] [color=9e0039]"Miss, were sorry to do this but were detaining you"[/color] Allison watched the two approaching soldiers, already having an idea on how to disable them quickly with a few quick movements. However Ashley acted first and shot both of them in their thigh. [color=0054a6]"Right, better we were off then."[/color] [color=#B0E0E6]"You know we could have just knocked them unconscious without wounding them and giving SOLDIER a reason to hunt us down for sure. About the vehicle, we'll have to find one first that is still working and not stuck."[/color] Allison turned around and started moving, expecting Ashley to tag along. The man inside the car was now even more shocked about what just happened, of course she couldn't just leave him there. Standing next to the door she just stopped and said without even looking at him [color=#B0E0E6]"Just wait here for a bit, reanforcements should arrive soon. Just stick to those two guys for now. If you get questioned, don't hesitate to tell them exactly what you saw or at least can remember."[/color] After that she began moving again, target were the cities' outskirts. It was more likely to find a car to get away there than the city centre. [color=#B0E0E6]"So, I guess you already have plan what to do once we find a vehicle?"[/color]