[Center] [Color=9966CC][h2] Jack MacArthur [/h2] [/color] [/center] Jack sighed, listening to everyone's decision on their next destination. He didn't agree, but was sure that sticking together was indeed the best option for them all. He paid the new message no mind. If by 'him' they meant one of them, then there was no way he was going to listen. These were his classmates and nothing was going stop him from making sure they all survive. As for other possible meanings for 'him', he would take that into account as he came across them. If he couldn't trust himself, then who could he trust? He sorta just scuttled around for the time being. He didn't wan't to do anything that would upset those two women again, but he couldn't help but remain fixated on their surroundings rather than his friends. He didn't know where danger would appear next, but he had made up his mind that he'd be the first to defend and last to flee. This eventually would probably put wear and tear on him eventually, but he was able for now. So he remained ever vigilant as he slowly followed the group forward.