[center][hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] Seth [b]Appearance[/b] [hider][img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/0e85/f/2016/062/5/3/final_boss_sans___undertale__human_version__by_serafleur-d9trhwq.jpg[/img][/hider] His usual attire is simply a black coat, one usually worn to allow travel through the Darkness at minimal risk. [b]Age:[/b] ? [b]Skills:[/b] He prefers keeping his skills to himself, but for the most part he usually either throws some magic spells at enemies or beats them down with Martial Arts if they manage to get close to him. [b]Personality:[/b] He likes to come off as aloof and laid back, if not outright lazy. He often stands or walks with a slouchy posture, hands almost always kept firmly in his pockets to really sell the image. He apparently hates taking things seriously, preferring to "lighten the mood" with humor by injecting jokes, though not particularly funny ones. He responds to any and all criticism with a simple shrug, and perhaps a bad joke for good measure. Even when fighting breaks out, he remains perfectly relaxed and will often just be content to let his allies win the day, though he will defend himself if he's attacked directly. He keeps a grin plastered on his face at almost all times, and it always looks genuine enough. Though, should one look into his amber eyes for long enough, they might start to get an uneasy feeling, as if he's hiding something or knows more than he lets on. [b]Bio:[/b] Seth is... kind of a mystery. Really, he's like a walking enigma. Ask him about something from his past and he'll probably make something up, barely even trying to keep his stories straight. In fact he comes off as if he himself isn't even aware of his own history, which would likely explain why he just makes it up as he goes along - sometimes even offering multiple choice answers! Joking aside, Seth genuinely remembers very little about his home or childhood. More than anything, he hopes to find his home world so he could try and jog his memories and actually remember something real.[/hider] [hider=World Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] ? [b]Summary of History:[/b] ? [b]Important Nations (Great Powers, etc.):[/b] ? [b]Overall Technology Level:[/b] ? [b]Map:[/b] ? [/hider][/center]