[center][h3][color=orange]Hibiki Toho[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/WUJO7Px.png[/img][/center] Was this girl really called Huntress? It was an odd name, but Itsuko was an odd person. Still, Huntress didn't seem like a bad person, so Hibiki just assumed she was a chuuni and wasn't going to bring it up. [color=orange]"Old games? Cool! My dad has some super old games that I used to play. Maybe we could play them together. Not a lot of them are coop though... I'll try my best to find one we can all play."[/color] Once Hibiki was certain that Itsuko wasn't going to break an ankle on the way back, they all walked back to Itsuko's apartment. Despite being the guest Hibiki insisted that Itsuko and Huntress wait while she set things up, leaving Train behind to play with them. He seemed quite fond of Huntress for some reason, though he was playful with Itsuko too. Had a bit of a bad habit of trying to get into Huntress's shirt though. Eventually cleaning up the space a little, Hibiki found a few games she knew how to play and showed them to Itsuko and Huntress. [color=orange]"Okay, so here's what we could play. I found... Ace Combat 6. It has a Coop mode we could all play, though I don't think it has a lot of levels. I never played them though, so... Anyways, it'd be fun trying to beat each level with different planes and stuff. Also I found Borderlands 2, which I used to play with my brother before mom took it away. She said it was too violent, but she's just silly. Oh, Persona 4 The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold! I never actually played the Ultimax version, but I like to think I'm pretty pro with Labrys."[/color] Hibiki set the games out for the other two girls to judge. Hibiki seemed really eager to play any of them, though her eyes couldn't get off Ace Combat. One could almost see the cat features on her body eagerly waiting for them to choose, compounded when Train sat next to her and emulated Hibiki. [@KoL][@TheWindel]