The gnomes cheered as the ogre fell to the ground. It wasn't every day that a group of gnomes could bring down such a beast so easily. "Well done, lads!" Hobnob said as the other gnomes "Let it be known that today we have scored a flawless-". Hobnob was abruptly interrupted by the small white dog he had up in the trees yipping and the hallucinogenic darts firing off and embedding themselves harmlessly into trees. "A somewhat flawless-" Hobnob said before the gnome with a crushed leg cleared his throat. "Alright it was just an ordinary victory" Hobnob said "But it was a victory nonetheless and we should be proud of that!". The other gnomes cheered in response. "Alright alright, simmer down!" Hobnob said "We have work to do. Our comrades will be here any minute now and that will mean that the lord and the bandits won't be far behind, so by then we'll need to be prepared! Shortstack, go grab Tiny and take him back to the camp. Doctor Diminutive, you go with them and fix Tiny's leg. Titch, help me reset the Dizzy Dart traps. The rest of you back in the hide. Hop to it!". When Hobnob finished speaking his crew sprung into action. Shortstack and Doctor Diminutive picked up Tiny and carried him off to the camp. Tiny couldn't feel pain, so he wasn't complaining that much. Meanwhile the other gnomes hid back in the hide as Titch and Hobnob plucked the hallucinogenic darts out of the trees and put them back in the launchers they had been fired out of. Once the traps had been reset, Hobnob and Titch joined the rest of the crew in the hide. "And now we wait" Hobnob said as he switched on his thermal vision and scanned for the bandits and any other approaching threats.