[center][h1]Chapter 30[/h1] [sub]Rocky Roads, And Old Acquaintances[/sub][/center] Jenso made his way further down the path for a couple days, when he realized something horrifying. He was [i]hungry.[/i] Fortunately, when everything was looking rather dull, Jenso came across a small settlement that reminded him of Orobo. It was a single line of buildings, with a dirt road down the middle that stretched forward for at least a mile. What an interesting little town! the path was dusty, and the surrounding environment looked rather inhabitable, but everyone seemed pretty happy here. This is the first time he'd seen such a peaceful community since he'd left Arcadia. It's already been two weeks by now, but to Jenso, it might've felt a lot different. On his right, there were many odd stores that sold food, water, and clothing. On his right there was a huge inn, and several nick-nack stores. Throughout the street, there were carriages that reminded him of Gregory's, and the bandits that killed him and his wife. No, this couldn't be it! Was this Hellion Outpost?