[center][h3][color=00a651]Gren[/color][/h3] [color=00a651]Location[/color]: Folio Trunk [color=00a651]Activity[/color]: Continuing on[/center] At some point, Gren and the others went deeper into the trunk, or at least deep enough that Karaha and Peetra needed to go their separate ways. It wasn't really up for debate so Gren kept his mouth shut, trying it focus on the task at hand. He didn't want to let his guard down but... So far this quest has been fairly uneventful. He's been picking up a lot of scents and Gren has been rather high strung because of it, but so far not even so much as a geodude has crossed their path. Perhaps the size of the group actually helped deter hostile pokemon from attacking them? He simply guessed when he started picking up a new scent. However he couldn't quite place this one. It was familiar and yet... Not a rock or steel time. It was... Minty, in a sense of the word. [color=00a651]"Hey guys, I think I smell something. It's minty."[/color]